Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings TONY KIRBY MEMORIAL RIDE – BRIDGE TO BRIDGE – 6 DAYS 2500+Kms Sep 2014

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    Sunday 7 September to Saturday 13 September (Sydney to Brisbane)

    Tony Kirby was a larrikin, a bush poet and an adventurer. He was a one-time editor of Australasian Dirt Bike and the founder of SideTrack Magazine, Tony Kirby, passed away on December 17 2010 after a tough battle with motor neuron disease. He was as far as ADV riders concerned, a national Treasure. Most of all he was a great bloke and called it as he saw it.

    ‘TK’, as he was affectionately known, had a great following within all spheres of the motorcycle industry, and his knowledge of the Australian bush was just about unparalleled. He embarked on many great adventure rides, setting the bar for years to come with rides that 15-20 years ago, were just way out in front of the Adventure riding trend. It could be argued with some conviction that he pulled adventure riding out of the small time and into a thriving sport that it is today. As one magazine was quoted on his passing away on December 17. 2010; there was not a fire trail, back road or track in Australia that he hadn’t traversed, this was why SideTrack became such a popular publication from the moment it was launched in 1995.

    TK was instrumental in the formation of the Dual Sport Motorcycle Riding Association (DSMRA), which aims are to keep riding areas open and to bring like-minded riders together. His original Bridge to Bridge (The Yamaha Bridge to Bridge Imperative) was put together with YAMAHA Australia’s support in 1997. It cost $450.00 plus fuel and camping fees. It was a five-day ride adventure ride and covered 1700 kms. There were 49 starters, two 4WD and a truck to support the ride.

    RIDE ADV through Greg was asked to help piece together and run a commemorative or memorial ride to honor TK. We felt the best way to honor a bloke with a ride was to produce a ride he would have been proud to be part of. In respect to TK we have consulted with some of his mates who were on his original Bridge to Bridge. Our ride will also start under the Sydney Harbor Bridge. It will be a six-day ride and cover over 2500kms. It will be a GPS Navigation ride and still only cost you $450.00 ($75/day) plus fuel and camping/accommodation fees. We hope to get over 50 riders. We will also have 2-3 4WD and a Truck plus sweeps and lead riders to run the track each day.

    Once again with the support of YAMAHA Australia and the industry in general and specifically the RIDE ADV team, the Bridge to Bridge is a reality. Trail Boss Greg Yager and his minions have put together a ride with stages “special” sections to keep even the hard-core ADV riders happy. However as usual the ride also is suited to riders who want spectacular without having to push the boundaries too far. Bikes have come a long way since the inaugural Bridge to Bridge. This ride will be suitable for riders on modified trail bikes as well as the big twins. All you have to do is chose your bike and come and ride.

    For those riders wishing to join in the fun along the way, we will have two GPS loading days. Sydney for the starters under the Sydney harbor Bridge and Nambucca for riders either joining us on Wednesday the 10th and for those riders continuing on and riding through to Brisbane. (Joining outside these days please contact us so we can make it happen)

    Following is an outline of the ride. Register your interest now for this classic ADV event by emailing
    Participants must be on registered road legal motorcycles and hold a valid Motorcycle riders license. We recommend that every rider has at least basic hospital and ambulance cover in case of emergency. To complete registration, full payment will be required at least 30 days prior to the event start date.


    Departs Sunday 12pm, 7th September and finishes Saturday 13th September (Sydney to Brisbane).

    Accommodation and pre ride GPS loading for Saturday 6th September (BBQ and map loading 12 – 4pm. GPS tips and tricks workshop 4pm to 5pm will be held at the Sydney Hills Holiday Park adjacent to Adventure Moto HQ). Please note that Sydney Hills Holiday Park is offering discounts to all TK Riders and their families or Accommodation can be found in Sydney closer to the start point.

    Another GPS loading will be held at Wentworth Park, Sydney from 9am until 11.30 am on Sunday. Riders choosing to load a bag in the support truck will need to have their gear loaded before 11am. Riders should try and limit the gear they wish to be carted between each overnight stay to a single duffel or gear bag or swag. There will be a $10.00 per day haulage fee for each bag or swag and $5.00 per spare tyre. We recommend you carry some gear on your bike including at least one change of clothes and all the tools you need to work on your bike trail side.

    The support truck will have tailgate loader and will only travel directly between overnight locations. The truck is only going between Sydney and Brisbane and will not be returning to Sydney. Two 4WD utes with bike trailers will travel to support the route and be in contact with the sweep teams at all times. “Broom” utes will also be in contact with the lead “Zero” riders at all times. There will be sweep teams on both standard and special tracks with two riders per sweep team. The lead “Zero” ride team will leave an hour before any other rider signs out each morning to pre run the track and put up any redirects or danger/track warnings. Our lead team and sweep teams will carry either a SPOT Satellite tracker or Satellite phone.

    Sunday 12pm Harbour Bridge to Cessnock

    12.00pm leave, escort out through the rocks and over the Harbor Bridge. Follow GPS route to overnight stay at Cessnock. Must sign in on arrival at the showground. Camping at Cessnock showground with showers and power ($10.00 per person) and we will also recommended pubs and motels with deals for Rideadv in the information pack on request. (Request information email)

    Monday the 8th Cessnock to Nundle

    Riders not to leave before 7.30am each day and must sign out with sweeps. Travel to overnight stay at Nundle is around 400kms. There will be two fuel stops if required. On route you can grab a Pub lunch and expect some great views and sites. Two routes will be offered, either a standard or special (Special has 20 plus creek crossings) Must sign in on arrival at the Nundle.

    Pub stay recommended, also two motels. Camping at Van Park with awesome fire pit and facilities (Request information email)

    Tuesday the 9th Nundle to Wauchope

    Riders not to leave before 7.30are each day and must sign out with sweeps. Travel to overnight stay at Wauchope around 300kms. One fuel stop if required. Possible pub lunch (prerun pending)
    Must sign in on arrival at the showground.

    Camping at Wauchope showground showers and power $10.
    Also recommended pubs and motels. (Request information email)

    Wednesday the 10th Wauchope to Nambucca

    Riders not to leave before 7.30am each day and must sign out with sweeps. Travel to overnight stay at Nambucca around 290kms. Two fuel stops if required. Pub lunch at the “Pub with no Beer”

    Two routes offered standard or special. Special includes “Jacobs Ladder” Must sign in on arrival at the resort.

    Overnight accommodation at the Nambucca Resort $80 a room (sleeps 2 or 3) and camping at the resort on the lush grass next to the beautiful Nambucca River for $10 per head.

    Riders will be required to either stay or be available in Nambucca for GPS map loading for stage two of the ride and for the rider briefing. Our aim is to have everyone together this night as the 2nd half of the routes need to be loaded on your GPS. Also there will be a Trivia night between 8 – until late to raise money for our charity, to fight Motor Neuron disease, which claimed our beloved mates life. This will held at the resort. There will be prizes for the winning team, and most likely for the losers as well. Our sponsors Adventure Moto and Yamaha also love to give stuff away to riders who outdo themselves on the ride.

    Thursday the 11th Nambucca to Glen Innes

    Riders not to leave before 7.30am each day and must sign out with sweeps. Travel to the overnight stay at Glen Innes showground around 330kms. Two fuel stops (prerun pending) Pub Lunch (Prerun pending) Must sign in on arrival at the showground.

    Camping at Glen Innes showground showers and power, also recommended pubs and motels. (Request information email)

    Friday the 12th Glen Innes to Woodenbong

    Riders not to leave before 7.30am each day and must sign out with sweeps. Travel to the overnight stay at Woodenbong showground around 300kms. At least one fuel stop (prerun pending) Pub Lunch and Rocky River Rd. Must sign in on arrival at the showground.

    Camping at Woodenbong showground showers and power, also recommended pub and motel. (Request infomation email)

    Saturday the 13th Woodenbong to the Story Bridge

    Riders not to leave before 7.30am each day and must sign out with sweeps. Travel to the finish at Captain Burke Park, Holman Street Kangaroo Point. We hope to keep riders at the finishing point for a group photo and to unload the truck, tell tall tails of the trail and to hand out Finisher’s stickers and say goodbye to the group.

    You are on your own to head home with new mates or old ones or head to the coast for some Riders Rest (R&R).




    Can’t wait to replicate this :woohoo:




    This will be a cracker of a ride, spoke to Boulder last week who went on the original and it sounded great.

    King Strucky


    Mark Bunting

    Super keen for this ride.

    If the planets aline I’m there.

    will there be a cap TB as I can’t commit at this stage :(

    Kram B)



    Hmmm staying at nundle a… R u going to attempt the many single trails in the wonderful forest we frequent in this pristine part of the world. Beer is good at the pub


    daniel lewis

    Wow I cant wait for this one

    I know some of the tracks and there not to be missed

    pages rd one I haven’t riden yet but its a cracker 25 creek crossings

    And another run up jacobs leader

    campground for $10 wow good work strucky and close to the pubs your a legend

    This will be great. day riding then beers around the campground and for 6 days straight

    thank you TB. yamaha. the crew. And a big thanks to strucky for the logistics

    Yet another ride I cant wait to be a part of



    Looks the goods .Can we jump in at Wauchope or Nambucca TB.


    toes wrote:
    Looks the goods .Can we jump in at Wauchope or Nambucca TB.

    We can sort a Wauchope start out for you mate. You will need to let us know for sure later when you register so we can organise your ride pack to be picked up at Wauchope and we can put your ride sticker on :woohoo: You will have to follow someone to Nambucca because e are loading GPSs there ;)

    Bringing the Strom?



    Kram wrote:
    Super keen for this ride.

    If the planets aline I’m there.

    will there be a cap TB as I can’t commit at this stage :(

    Kram B)

    Hi Kram,

    Mate there isn’t a cap planned, the whole navigation concept and the way we run it now days means it won’t be a problem. That said over a hundred would be interesting :P

    Get the planets aligned mate, I believe the mayor may even do a few days :ohmy: . Moose is working on our crew again, whole trip for him. Did you see him in the TrailZone mag :laugh:



    daniel lewis

    here is Jacobs leader I rode last year

    up and down

    skip the 1st minuet



    Just spoke to CHRIS ADV

    He belives he we get parole about that time and might come along for this one 👿

    He said he cant wait to see you ACE :whistle:


    King Strucky


    Ian Kersley

    Not sure if I can commit this far out TB but will try
    this sounds like the ride of the year



    bones wrote:
    Not sure if I can commit this far out TB but will try
    this sounds like the ride of the year


    Bike riding is all about commitment Bones! :P



    Mark Bunting
    TrailBoss wrote:
    Kram wrote:
    Super keen for this ride.

    If the planets aline I’m there.

    will there be a cap TB as I can’t commit at this stage :(

    Kram B)

    Hi Kram,

    Mate there isn’t a cap planned, the whole navigation concept and the way we run it now days means it won’t be a problem. That said over a hundred would be interesting :P

    Get the planets aligned mate, I believe the mayor may even do a few days :ohmy: . Moose is working on our crew again, whole trip for him. Did you see him in the TrailZone mag :laugh:


    I did indeed :laugh:

    Nice work gents.

    If only my kids weren’t using up all the ride funds :( I told my young fella that all the riding his doing at the moment accumulates a debt similar to HECS and that so far he owes me two new bikes and three hude ADV rides. He’s thinking sports medicine as a career to pay for it all and keep me healthy enough to ride :woohoo: 👿

    Kram B)


    Dwayne O
    King Strucky wrote:
    Just spoke to CHRIS ADV

    He belives he we get parole about that time and might come along for this one 👿

    He said he cant wait to see you ACE :whistle:


    King Strucky

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Lookout if this comes off !!!

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