CRF down!

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This topic contains 43 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    As some of you know I suffered a fatal mechanical on the North Coast ride last Saturday. It will be interesting to see the final results of the autopsy but it looks like the oil seals failed and pumped it all into the clutch case. The cases are split on the CRF’s so that would have starved the engine of oil. I rode for three hours the day before and was 6 k into Saturday when she siezed. I changed both engine and transmission oil and a new filter 1.4 engine hours before the weekend so it was fresh. No sign of a cracked case or oil through the pipe so it looks like the seals. It would be intetesting to hear experence from others. I will update once I know more but it is not pretty! :(




    Dam Scott that don’t sound good at all :pinch:

    Did you feel any power loss on the Friday?


    Nick Jackson

    I was gutted not to be riding with you on Saturday mate ( especially after the fun we had Friday :) )

    I hope there’s not too much damage internally , my fingers are crossed !!


    Boze wrote:
    Dam Scott that don’t sound good at all :pinch:

    Did you feel any power loss on the Friday?

    It has never felt better than on Friday. I had new clutch springs in and it felt very snappy. I was stoked on Friday’s ride. I suspect whatever let go went quickly.



    No good buddy hopefully something simple and easy on the pocket.


    Mike Wyeth
    Boze wrote:
    Dam Scott that don’t sound good at all :pinch:

    Did you feel any power loss on the Friday?

    I can vouch for him having no loss of power on Friday :P
    We were hooking through those Friday singles :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Bad news Scotty :(


    S#@t…. STM…. that sux mate..




    Yeah bad news Scott, after you rang this arvo I did some research (rang around) and there have been a few and Moose here with me said he knows of at least 2 :(

    Bad luck mate, really feel for you. If there is anything I can do yell out please




    Bad weekend for the Hondas all round.
    feeling your pain stm,at leasts you got to finish Fridays awesome ride.

    carnt believe you wouldn’t get up n have a beer Friday night.

    Have to try n fix the big pig ready for Northstar trailride this weekend.
    Yours sounds little bit bader than mine,hope alls good.


    craig evans

    dam sorry to hear mate :blink: , its not real old either



    bullshit, he looks 50yo



    Hey Scott I was just talking to Nick at Tekniks and he said check the right hand side crank seal, good chance it isn’t seated properly from the factory. He has seen it before :whistle:



    Doing some homework on the internerd and found this.
    ” I read that if its a balancer seal oil migrates from the crank to transmission and if its the right crank seal it migrates from the transmission to the crank”



    My mechanic was just in and showed me some shots of the engine strip down. It turns out that there was 500 ml in the crank case and 700 in the tranny. 700 should be in both so some has gotten out or burned off but not enough to completely seize the engine. The strange part is that the bottom end is smick. The barrel looks like new and the piston, crank and bearing are perfect. The head however is a completely different story. It looks like something dragged out of Hiroshima! One valve has been welded closed and the whole thing is just a charred mess.
    He is at a loss to explain how the head could be so burnt out when there is no damage at all the the rest of the engine. At least that will save me a bit of coin though. I will update as I know more.



    Some good news at least mate.

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