Noosa Ride 2014

Home Forums Ride Gatherings QLD Rides Noosa Ride 2014

This topic contains 100 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  scott bocking 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Mike Wyeth

    Just checked the calender and noticed it’s only 7 weeks till this years Noosa Ride :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
    so I had better get my finger out and start looking at a loop suitable for the gun riders that travel up every year ;) ;)

    More info soon B)


    Dean Small

    I should start training …
    How to fall off safely :silly:


    Mike Wyeth
    smally wrote:
    I should start training …
    How to fall off safely :silly:

    No need Dean , nothing to scare you out there mate :P


    Nick Jackson

    Ok I’ll drive 5 hours to smash up my new toy and wreck my body B)

    Can’t wait Mike :woohoo:



    Looks like I just found the inspiration I needed to crack on with my bike rebuild.



    Nick Jackson

    It’s time to step out of the comfort zone :D



    Nick Jackson

    After chatting with Mike it sounds like this year will be a cracker ride , it would be great to see some more old bulls head north for some the best riding anywhere on the east coast.

    It’s not as bad as everyone makes out !! Honest B)




    When is it? Long weekend?


    Im in :) Great time last year.


    Dean Small

    Broke out in a nervous sweat reliving last years ride


    Nick Jackson
    Boze wrote:
    When is it? Long weekend?

    Yes, mate, you’d love it !!!



    Nick Jackson

    Get Corey keen Nato , he’d enjoy those hills :)


    I am not sure if he still has a bike mate? Or if he does he wont know where he last parked it up its been that long.

    Nato wrote:
    I am not sure if he still has a bike mate? Or if he does he wont know where he last parked it up its been that long.

    Last time I heard from Corey he was posting kitten photos on Facebook and inviting people to play Candy Crush. Just when I thought it could not get any worse I hear about his bike!! :ohmy:



    Ahh the memories. So many massive hills to crash on and so few days :laugh:


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