Three rides into one

This topic contains 15 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cris 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #104273


    Well i’ll be…. you never know what you will find in them hills of gold :huh:

    it all started with me turning up for a ride 24hrs early :dry: :silly:
    after no one showed I read my txt a little better ” sunday” 😆 😆 not saturday oh well..

    SUNDAY. I meet ted and his crew up in those hills. after a quick hello to all the leaders vest was on me :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    no dust I spose ill lead 👿

    off we went doing the usual to parachute. one wanted to go down it. so off we went hunting singles on the way. right at the bottom across the creek. I line up ready to go around the gate!! hold on ITS open 😆 :silly:
    through the gate across the other creeks…. yes the have water in em….. up harris left at the top. to where Ted found a Root he couldn’t ride past.. waiting at bob cat for them to regroup for what seemed ages a lone rider come up the twin track…. TED got a root was along the line. crashed out and popped his shoulder… man it looked bad….. :( :( :( :(

    off I went back to get his car while doing 70KM near ponderosa a black snake tried to bite me :ohmy:

    we got back changed bikes to cars and met back up where we left. .from there Bryce led back river back to the cars. only to find Boze and Jason who had bumped into another crew we hadn’t riden with for 12mths…

    off we go again in the reverse direction. I got the lead again. the pace was on 4 or five of us smashed back river in a matter of moments a few singles and then fun on sandy hill…. at the top beers were called.. cracker of a day thanks guys for the ride…. hope the shoulder gets better ted

    no footage or pics from me. just the adventure report…

    what a day 100+km with some good people..



    It turned out to be a good ride with good people as always.

    Jason decided he needed to go for a ride as he hadn’t been for awhile so just him & me went for a look around some tracks near the cemetery. Found 1 trail that lead to a dead-end after some log hoping and bush bashing. Slipped down Yehaa hill & decided we weren’t going up it today so went around and did the short rocky lump near the dam and smashed it good B) then up what Jason called pine cone hill on the northern boundary.

    A bit of cruising around some twin trail then up to the car park to see who was about. This is where we ran into Brett, Mick & Rex sitting around having a cold coke. I hadn’t seen them for 12 months, on the 2013 Nundle ride. They not to sure were things are out here so we said come with us. It was at this time Ted300 shows up in the 4by with a sore shoulder and not long after was the bikes with Andy and company.

    Hey Andy do you want to lead a ride ;) don’t stop until bobcat. We all left at pace and bobcat was found in 20mins. Small break then on it again, well the fun never stoped all day with this lot. Sweep even playing corner man at times :laugh:

    Sand hill well you just never know how that’s going to turn out. Brett I think was the only 1 that had no problem with it waiting for the rest of us to make it. I got stuck with Jason flyin up and trying to ram me out of my ditch that I had made only to get crossed up him self. We made it in the end :silly:

    Left the top of sand hill heading for the cars and rode pass a corner man hiding in the bush somewhere and this is how we lost the front 2 riders. Note to self don’t go pass trails on back wheel.

    Hell yeh it was a blast thanks Andy for leading



    Well I had one of the best rides running wheel to wheel with Andy and Bryce through the singles and up solar panel until I got to 2 hour 30 mark. Then got spat sideways on one tree root while on the back wheel and used my shoulder as park brake and remodelled my shoulder too have a parrot perch sticking up out of it. Thanks Andy for leading and recovering my part of the ride and for sweeping my mates. Now it’s a forced 4 to 6 weeks off work and at lest double that till I get a new leave pass.



    What no leave pass, don’t pay the rent then.

    Just the DR or the 300 as well??

    That sucks.



    I’ll be back on 300 by February and it won’t be that bad I’ll just have more time for drinking. Sound like everyone had a good day on your rides as well

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    yeh ok then fast edit LOL
    Just doing a clip now



    :laugh: :laugh:

    Boze wrote:
    yeh ok then fast edit LOL
    Just doing a clip now

    werz d cip bozo :laugh:


    andy29 wrote:
    :laugh: :laugh:

    Boze wrote:
    yeh ok then fast edit LOL
    Just doing a clip now

    werz d cip bozo :laugh:

    I’ve been waiting all day for this vid, being injured sucks no pressure I can wait all month

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Ted300 wrote:
    andy29 wrote:
    :laugh: :laugh:

    Boze wrote:
    yeh ok then fast edit LOL
    Just doing a clip now

    werz d cip bozo :laugh:

    I’ve been waiting all day for this vid, being injured sucks no pressure I can wait all month

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    uploading to tube now. 1 of 2 clips. 2nd not done yet.



    Enjoy the 1st part of 3 rides in 1



    Hey Boze how’s the 2nd vid going

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    Here is the 2nd vid had to finish it a bit quick due to the storms down our way. Enjoy.


    Boze wrote:
    Here is the 2nd vid had to finish it a bit quick due to the storms down our way. Enjoy.

    that’s one of the funniest vids I’ve seen in a while.. looked like a good time for a cigarette while resting half way up the sandy hill :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P :P :P :P :P






    madd yo gotto go ride with LC boze

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