What did you’s do over christmas

Home Forums General Bike Talk What did you’s do over christmas

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cris 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    What u’s do over crissy.

    I had a great time with family on the farm :)

    some good riding practice for Murphs next basin run :blink:

    A lot of slow riding practice.

    Wheelies :silly:

    learning to log punch.. :woohoo:

    Stationary balancing (I suck at) 😆 😆

    no stoppies for me yet…


    Surfed, drank and surfed!!






    Avoided Boony


    simon burke

    Avoided Boony & Snowy



    Don’t forget this weekend you pair of knuckleheads.



    Drank :woohoo:
    Got a fork job for the bike :)
    Broke a rib :ohmy: Feels like it anyway
    Found more of Nundle in the rain ;)
    Built a gate in the shed to lockup the bikes :angry:
    And wound the tower up to see how the bands are :blink:


    Richard W

    Got up at 5.30 and milked cows. Came home to bacon and eggs. After breaky went and buried a cow with the backhoe and had a brilliant idea of using it as a swing to send the kids into the dam like they do on YouTube. The spot I picked wasn’t the best and almost tipped it into the dam on a practice swing so relocated to a flat spot. Lifted the first kid 4 foot of the ground and put the revs up for max swing. A quarter of the way the handle they had broke sending him into the ground like a bag of potatoes with a sore wrist as the end results. Decided to give that idea a miss and go have a few beers with the inlaws before milking the old girls again.

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