Kram’s First Road Race Report

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  usi 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Mark Bunting

    Jeepers Maria, what a top weekend.

    I recently offloaded four bikes that I’d been trying to hide from my wife and after a hard fought struggle, she won, I handed over all the cash! After much grovelling she agreed that I could spend about $1500 dollars. I didn’t know it at the time but low and behold it bought me this.


    I picked it up last Wednesday night, fully prepped, and a loaned set of leathers for the weekend. Best 14 hung I’ve ever spent.

    The little beast is a CBR 125r and is set up for the stock class for the North Coast Road Racing Series. The stock class is the most competitive for rider numbers and the bike can also be ridden in the superlites class.

    So once again the boys load up the Big Red Sports car and head off, but for the first time in a loooong time, Zy was my pit bitch.

    It tuned out that for this meeting they were also holding a one hour endurance race so I signed up for all three classes. It’s not like I didn’t need the practice.


    I even kept the peak just for OBT’s



    I started the day pretty slow, but by the end of the day I was starting to hold my own.




    Bloody Hell! I pull in for the compulsory pit stop and an old OBT face hands me a drink. Phew, it didn’t help perfomace.


    And yes I was wearing a lot of padding under the leather. Ride for Monday :laugh: :whistle: :blush:

    One of the problems with this club is they love kids. No sooner than they knew Zy had a racing licence than they hustled
    up some gear and it was game on for him too.


    Bloody Hell. It’s my bike!






    Another reason I bought the bike was that I knew he could ride it as a junior as well and I wanted to still beat him at something.
    But I thought I’d get in plenty of practice before he had a crack. Still got a couple of seconds on him 👿 I might have
    try golf next. NOT.

    It was such a fun weekend and at the end of the day you just push the little beast back in the shed. It doesn’t even need a wash

    Kram B)

    Still a dirt biker at heart



    Wicked weekend how much fun does that look


    Mark Bunting

    Oh and just thought I’d mention that Zy was the official photographer for the day. Top job my little mate!

    Kram B)



    Good work Kram. About time someone started posting ride reports again!

    Ive got a set of tyre warmers going cheap ;)



    Good onya Kram and Zy B) As long as you are out there having fun, and sharing some special time with the lad,great stuff mate



    Mark Bunting
    usi wrote:
    Good work Kram. About time someone started posting ride reports again!

    Ive got a set of tyre warmers going cheap ;)

    How cheap is cheap usi?? I just chrashed the BRS Car so I’m out, but there’s a couple of people using them and I could try and sell them for you.

    Kram B)


    Nick Jackson

    Love your style Kram !!! Any fun on 2 wheels hey mate :)




    PM Me an address and ill post em to you

    Use them and flog em for whatever you can


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