You’ll be waiting for me

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    John Roe

    Hi all,
    all new to the off road stuff been on a grand total of 2 rides and a quick squirts around the property once or twice a week. Started out on a DRZ400 bought it to see if I liked the style of riding ( ex road rider) and loved it…… Now Iv got an awesome 2011 CRF450 and WOW. Yes Iv been caught sitting in the shed with a beer just staring at it. Iv been pointed in the direction of the old Bulls to get amongst social riders and not young bucks on 2strokes wanting to touch the sky. I’ll leave it there because I’m not even sure if I’m posting this in the right spot. Cheers Johno, aka MTW


    Welcome MTW,
    Glad to hear you are enjoying the dirt :)
    Good idea to join the old bulls B)
    Where are you from mate?
    There are plenty of guys on here organizing rides all over the place, I am sure you will be able to hook up for one soon :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Welcome Johno, you’ll meet some good people on here and on rides.


    John Roe

    Thanks for the warm welcome, I’m from Tamworth so I’m guessing there will be lots of spare of the moment trips to nundle but keen to have a look at bike Territory out Narrabri way. Cheers Johno.


    Welcome MTW

    You’re going to enjoy being a part of OBT.
    I started out on a DRZ400 as well. Loved that bike. But the 2t is a lot nicer to pick up time and time again.
    There is always one of us Tamworth blokes up for a ride any time you are keen.
    I will let you know next time a few of us are heading out to Nundle.



    simon burke

    Gday Johno
    Welcome to Old bulls mate B)
    Just so happens your in luck, some of the most handsome, charming, skilled and witty riders are members here from Tamworth :cheer:
    There is quite a good crew of guys who know the Nundle pines very well.
    Snowy will be so excited that he has a new play friend, as there are plenty of riders at TamVegas on the bench at the moment,and not too many on the field :P
    I’m bikeless at the moment(yeah yeah..shut up you pricks :blush: ) but hope to see you on the trails soon :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:


    Welcome Johno

    It will be a few weeks before I’m back riding but harass Luke and a midget called ruts about any rides this month. Things tend to get a bit quiet in December but there will be a few slow and steady rides in early January happening as the injured riders return to play. Pm me your phone number

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