I’m in the market for a GPS

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This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 16 years, 7 months ago.

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    Mick D

    Alright,who’s got an opinion on GPS’s.
    Brands,durability and affordability.
    I am sick of pretending I know where I am going and trying to remember where I have been.LOL



    Crash this is your deptment, he has a GPS mounted on his handle bars and it has been tested, its water proof etc a good thing and pretty cheap I reckon. I will ring him and get him on board with this


    Mick D

    So you are saying there is one brand at least, that is Crash proof?


    Nick Gilbert

    Mick, i wouldt mind getting my hands on a gps unit also, drop me a line if you get a sniff of some bargains!!



    Mick, I have spoken with Crash and he will fill you abit when he gets a chance soon


    I,ve got one in my top drawer,, been there since I bought it,, its a Garmin Etrex,, never used it,,had it six months, Ill bring it up with me and we can have a play with it and check it against that giant map you carry around in your backpack mick,, I,d better have a read of the instructions first haha


    Mick D

    You are kidding me.You had one all along and you still relied on me and my trusty topographic map?


    Actually Mick I would,nt mind getting a copy of that giant map you,ve got,,where would I get one??


    Mick D

    I will swap you my own map with all the loops marked for your GPS. Deal?
    Otherwise I will get one for you. They are about $500 bucks I think. 👿 👿


    ha gtf outta here I,ll get one cheaper from maps r us hehe



    hey fella’s,there is a GPS forum that is really helpful although can sometimes be rather techo oriented I think it is http://www.gpsaustralia.net and they have plenty of DBW’s (Dirt Bike Wankers)on there probably a big majority.I have a Garmin colour screen jobby and it works a treat cost me about $330 from Canada on Ebay with maps already loaded.I also use ozexplorer software but have not used the GPS that often to really know what Im talking about.I can tell you though dont scimp on quality as you get what you pay for and go for a quality unit like Garmin as they are well supported ie upgrades,map compatability and ease of use.This is my second unit.the first got run over by a BMW when it my bag and gear was blown out of my trailer and onto the F3:S hope this helps
    cheers Ollie



    I will be using crashes Garmin and handle bar bracket, these are a great simple cheap unit, he has stored the rides on computer. I am lucky I retain tracks trails and rides in my head really well it seems ( there is nothing else in there !! ) but need the GPS for the ride to Capertee as I have researched it on Google earth but may need to link somethings together if it goes to s*&t !! lol
    Its water proof and has been tested well and truely !!


    Mick D

    Garmin was the brand I was thinking of,we had one in the boat from my Marlin fishing days and it was really easy to use.The less buttons the better if you ask me.



    Hey Mick your lucky the GPS units have pictures, otherwise you would have to learn to read,You can always do my trick man , just go around and around in circles and then follow someone else who has the sh#ts and wants to go home


    Mick D

    Ktmrat wrote:

    Hey Mick your lucky the GPS units have pictures, otherwise you would have to learn to read,You can always do my trick man , just go around and around in circles and then follow someone else who has the sh#ts and wants to go home

    LMFAO!!!! Hey mate,welcome to the forum.I was hoping you would raise your ugly head and stir the KTM pot!!! Let the games begin!!!

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