Ryno’s garage (shitfight haha)

Home Forums Your Garage Ryno’s garage (shitfight haha)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Ryan 16 years, 8 months ago.

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    here it is, somehow i have to get a 98 toyota starlet, 98 vt holden berlina, 98 gu nissan patrol, 08 drz400e, mower, whippersnipper, assorted crap, work gear, into this garage… so heres what i came up with
    keep the missus happy and keep the pride and joy safe hehe
    neighbours have to put up with my 2 cars parked on the road…oh well


    Mick D

    Good to see you have your priorities right ,with the bike in the shed but you are exceeding the safe working load of them shelves!!! A bench and some shelves would make life a ton easier for you.



    yeh its a rental property so i couldnt be stuffed putting in anything semi permanant, i cant get my commodore in anymore because as you can see in the bottom left on the pic my tow bar scraps every time i back into the garage due to the insanly steep driveway, if i go forwards i rip off my bumper… the bike and the starlet are the only 2 that can get in haha


    Mick D

    hey Ryno,
    How are you posting your pics??? They are bloody huge files!! Maybe you could make
    them a bit smaller as you have to pan side to side to read your post.



    no worries i resized them to 40% of the original size, and they look small on my computer but i will make em smaller

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