2008 Christmas party chit chat, ideas

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 2008 Christmas party chit chat, ideas

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    Alright it will be at the Watagans, the date is to be firmed up, we will lay out the loops, friday nite ride wont be all that long but interesting single line, not fast stuff just some good fun.
    Saturday two loops, BBQ lunch I hope afternoon loop early finish, party spit, BBQ music party drinks.
    Chopper has said if he cant ride he will still be there for taking video and pictures

    Sunday later start and a good loop to finish the weekend packed and on our way by say 3 o’clock.

    Now who has some ideas or can help or what?




    Hey all,

    We have had a prize pack donated this afternoon for the christams party, this will be a special prize and awarded to whom our judges (Chris, Mick and Myself) judge is worthy or unworthy of it. We will be looking on friday night and saturday before the presentations on saturday nite

    TB & Chris



    Maybe have a few skills competitions. The following are purely suggestions:

    1) most “full lock” slow circles without stalling or feet off pegs

    2) figure 8 variation of above event

    3) quickest rear wheel removal and replacement with no outside help

    4) dash for cash (or whatever) in FULL riding gear over say 50 meters

    5) longest front wheel skid without feet off pegs or falling off

    6) bike race that involves pushing your bike around a short course
    or straight track without the engine running, wearing FULL riding gear

    7) loudest fart or burp competition

    When I think of others I’ll edit this post.



    Mick D

    Slow race, you gotta have a slow race!!!



    What about a “holding a light bulb above your head between your thumb and forefinger” competition. :P



    micknmeld wrote:

    Slow race, you gotta have a slow race!!!

    Wouldnt that be unfair as you are old and slow!



    How about a mini bike race where you have to do a lap then skull a beer last man still riding wins…i went in one years ago…one of the funniest things iv’e ever seen



    Was thinking about bringing my Z50 pit bike but no rego, could mean big drama.



    Yes my pit bike always wants to play after a few drinks


    Mick D

    Trailboss wrote:

    micknmeld wrote:

    Slow race, you gotta have a slow race!!!

    Wouldnt that be unfair as you are old and slow!

    Yup you got me!!! Old and slow.



    Was just going to call you slow but that wouldnt be Politically correct now would it


    Mick D

    You forgot soft . I am Old Slow and Soft But still tough enough to kick start an XR630 and if the mongrel 990 had a kicker on it I would have got it to go as well.



    Reminds me Mick, did you have trouble starting it in Wauchope and who knew?


    Mick D

    AS a matter of fact I did have a bit of trouble starting the 990 and was surprised to see it posted on the site so quick. That squirrel bastard must have some connections. Now with the internet, the bush telegraph seems to work heaps quicker.
    I spose it would stand out a bit in town on a saturday morning., some clown running down the road pushing 200kg’s of bright orange bike and leaping on it only to have it skid to a stop.
    Thank god a couple of fellas came and gave me a hand. We had 4 attempts to start it before I thought about hitting the starter button at the same time as I let the clutch out. That worked.



    But who knew, because I have a score to settle, not to mention your spray at me!

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