Cleaning your Airfilter

Home Forums Bike Preparation Tips Bike Preparation Tips Cleaning your Airfilter

This topic contains 81 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 15 years, 7 months ago.

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    If a picture paints a thousand words, then a video must be about a million words.

    Here is a youtube clip showing the procedure to clean your airfilter.



    Wr, saw that one when i first got my bike, use to do the 2 strokes with 2 stroke oil, it seems now though no matter how little or lot of filter oil I use, I always end up having filter oil running out the airbox drain.. Don’t Know but not worried about it.



    Hey Bulls

    I have been checking my filter after every ride and after 10 or so laps of my local 2 hour loop the filter is almost spotless. I mostly ride alone so I am not sucking in roost and my trails have never been dusty. If it looks clean is it clean or should I clean it more often whether it seems to need it or not?



    Yeah I reckon I would do it anyway, I do anyway :)



    Cheers TB

    I will give it a clean and a dunk tonight. I am using No Toil, is this stuff any good? Last time I oiled the filter it kept dripping through the drain hole.


    Mick D

    Filters are a lot easier to do than Valves.IMO


    Mick D

    singletrackmind wrote:

    Cheers TB

    I will give it a clean and a dunk tonight. I am using No Toil, is this stuff any good? Last time I oiled the filter it kept dripping through the drain hole.

    You are not squeezing the oil out enough if it is dripping.
    I have used No Toil for years and found it to be a good product.
    TIP…. Dont bother using the special No Toil cleaner. OMO or similar quality washing powder does a great job and is ten times cheaper. I always let them soak over night to and they come out even cleaner.


    Cheers Mick

    I got the No Toil in the three prodcut pack so when I finish the cleaner I will take your advice.

    Thanks again to the Bulls for their quick replies and good info.

    This site rocks!




    Buy a K&N filter, easiest to clean and oil on the market bar none! Flow rates and filtration is awesome used by lots of high performance race teams, note you may have to re jet

    Scott had Battyes hooked me up with mine and will look after any old bulls, see link section




    I use petrol to clean my filters. I am aware that the filter manufacturers will tell you not to as it degrades the material etc. but I’ve never had an issue with mine and I check the quality of the filter foam every time I oil the filter.

    Mick is right, if you have filter oil leaking from your airbox then you have way too much oil on there!



    Moto wrote:

    I use petrol to clean my filters. I am aware that the filter manufacturers will tell you not to as it degrades the material etc. but I’ve never had an issue with mine and I check the quality of the filter foam every time I oil the filter.

    Mick is right, if you have filter oil leaking from your airbox then you have way too much oil on there!

    I know you know this but, I would keep a close eye mate on the filters, glue etc, As you have only had the bike and filters around 12 – 18 months it does take some time I had it happen on one of my XR280 filters the night before an enduro DOH!!! Petrol does clean them great but, pity :(




    Yeah, cheers mate. I’ve had the bike 8 months actually. I have several filters so that helps with cleaning. It’s not like it’s the same one everyweek but I agree with what you are saying.

    Might be more of an issue now they will get rotated even more. Sam ate 2 almost new filters from the garage the other night.

    Last night he chewed threw the hard plastic case of my drill set! I don’t know how he even fit it in his mouth :huh:


    Mick D

    hahahahah I can see why the D’s wanted him gone.


    Eric Smith

    Moto wrote:

    I use petrol to clean my filters. I am aware that the filter manufacturers will tell you not to as it degrades the material etc. but I’ve never had an issue with mine and I check the quality of the filter foam every time I oil the filter.

    Mick is right, if you have filter oil leaking from your airbox then you have way too much oil on there!

    Same here, I use petrol and just keep an eye on the glued joints. Nothing else gets it as clean.



    I use turps to get rid of the airfilter oil then I spray it with degreaser to get the residue of the turps out and then clean it in warm dishwashing liquid to get the dirt out. Then let them dry overnight. This works well and really isn’t as hard or slow as it sounds. I always do all my filters at once and only oil the one I’m about to use.. If you have oil dripping in the airfilter box you have way too much oil on it !

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