Mick does a RiderX Boot camp

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    Mick D

    Well, as a few of you guys know I had a leave pass for today, RiderX, Crippy and myself went for a RiderX boot camp ride. Just the three of us, we did 60 KM and it took 5 hrs of solid going. Plus it was bloody hot today.
    2 x 250’s and me on the XR600, what was I thinking?
    Here’s me thinking I know my way around my local bush, well didn’t I get a lesson on what is actually out there!!!
    Thanks to RiderX for showing me more trails than my head can take in, on one day.
    A report to follow in the next day or so as I am to rooted to even think, but I have had a great day.
    BTW, TB he has you as his next student. He’s coming for a ride with us.



    60 KM and it took 5 hrs fark that, am not doing that on my bike, I am packing two bikes now that other will be my secret weapon make room for two bikes Mate, but again I say hot day 60 KM and it took 5 hrs nothing for that

    Will be packing two red ones, stay posted


    Mick D

    There was nothing that couldn’t be done on a XR650, Although some of it was a bit tight for a BRP and arm pump reared it’s ugly head. Two tea spoons of cement and a Viagra and you’ll be right mate.
    It was great fun, I think only once was I secretly cursing the mad bastard, the rest of the time I was thinking “sweeeeeeeeeet”.
    You know you are going down a steep hill when rolling rocks overtake you at twice the speed you are doing.:ohmy:



    Still am up early this moring and am going to pick my secret weapon up in about an hr, have wanted to do a ride report on this model bike for sometime so I arranged it last night, may not even use it, but if your taking me on a ride that has an average speed of 12km per hour which is if I worked my maths right 60kms / 5hrs, yeah thats 12km/hr I will use a different bike I think



    Hey TB its not a Malvern Star is it:laugh:



    Hey ollie LMFAO karma for that



    Thanks Big Fella I thought it waspretty good myself!!:laugh: No Comment TB?




    Mick D

    More than likely it’s one of these roost throwing weapons!!!


    xr torcher

    we had to stop at least10 times for a smoke factor that in to 5 hours of rideing


    Mick D

    riderx wrote:

    we had to stop at least10 times for a smoke factor that in to 5 hours of rideing

    If you remember rightly I was too stuffed to have a durrie on several occasions,one occasion that comes to mind
    was when Crippy was having his mini heart attack in the jungle.



    TB or Mick – 12km average for a Honda would be fast, wouldn’t it?


    Mick D

    You are a bit lippy lately,whiskers. For that sort of terrain, 12kmh is quite fast thanks Dave.



    Ollie wrote:

    Hey TB its not a Malvern Star is it:laugh:


    Yeah funny Ollie, real funny, sorry for the delay just been laughing so hard :(




    I must have missed this one. Sounds like a slow ride….I’ve done a few of thise now too. The ride we did last weekend was much faster twin track stuff. TB missed out :)

    Was RiderX too hardcore for you Mick? :p


    Mick D

    Yep Ol RiderX is a step or two up from what I am used to, as it turns out that ride isn’t his hardcore ride.

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