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  • #95212

    Dwayne O

    [img]Hi All,
    New here, heard about OB`s from Moto on DBW.net
    Live in Newcastle, ride an `04 KLX250, pretty standard setup @ the moment, only slight simple mods, still learning the ropes etc !!!! I commute on the bike (200 ks a week)
    Hope to meet up on some rides when I gain some more confidence.

    Cheers for nowIMG_4139.jpgIMG_4247.jpg



    Hi Eagle

    Welcome to the mad house, photos didnt seem to work. Check the ride gatherings and get onto a ride, dont worry to much about your pace no one gets lost and everyone gets home.




    Hi, nice bike!
    Photos fixed:




    Nice work Yuri and damn nice 2 fiddy there Eagle, wait till Chris sees that he will be as happy as a dog with two dicks.

    You coming for a ride with us up the Watagans soon Eagle?



    Mick D

    Gday Eagle,welcome to the OBT. Do you commute on that knobby?? A bit of rain would liven your commute up a bit!!!



    Good work on joining up Eagle :) The KLX looks very sparkly. I’ll do another ride soon that will be suited to newer riders where the pace will be easy going and will be a good introduction to the trails, I’ll post it on here so keep your eyes peeled :)



    I am there Moto, I could lurk down the back, I’ll sweep.





    Sounds like a plan to me :) I could show you those trails down the South end of the Wattie’s at the same time.


    Dwayne O

    Thanks for the welcome guys,
    Yes I do commute on the knobblies, only had the rear on 5 days!!!! The bike had Dunlops on it when I got it a month ago, rear was shot to bits. New one is a MITAS StoneKing. Not overly impressed with it just yet but I am just happy to be on a bike.
    I hope to beef her up with the 300 kit in around 6 months & add a new pipe etc, but for now she suits me just fine for 200ks a week for around $8.50. Heap better than $65 a week in my Landcruiser !!!!!!!!
    Hope to meet some of you guys soon, the Xmas Party sounds good.



    welcome to the site mate,come out for a blat in the watto’s and get the green machine dirty

    cheers ollie



    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Thanks for the welcome guys,
    Yes I do commute on the knobblies, only had the rear on 5 days!!!! The bike had Dunlops on it when I got it a month ago, rear was shot to bits. New one is a MITAS StoneKing. Not overly impressed with it just yet but I am just happy to be on a bike.
    I hope to beef her up with the 300 kit in around 6 months & add a new pipe etc, but for now she suits me just fine for 200ks a week for around $8.50. Heap better than $65 a week in my Landcruiser !!!!!!!!
    Hope to meet some of you guys soon, the Xmas Party sounds good.

    I fitted a 300 kit to Chris’s KLX, its a factory kit and is very easy to do and makes it a different bike, very good, do it i say.

    Christmas party will be a cracker there is a thread where you can let us know if your going




    Ollie wrote:

    welcome to the site mate,come out for a blat in the watto’s and get the green machine dirty

    cheers ollie

    Come our for a ride this Sunday Eagle, weather will be good and so will the company (if you can put up with Ollie’s shit). We won’t be going fast, we’d lose Ollie otherwise :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Sorry guys,
    Next 3 weeks are not good for me. I am booked solid with kids & my end of year soccer events.
    I will try and get a day to come down for the xmas party, sounds like a hoot !!!
    I also am lacking in the gear department, I have some stuff on the xmas order (or cash to buy some) HA HA Need boots, bashplate, fender bag & spares etc. Very much a work in progress I am…



    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Need boots, bashplate, fender bag & spares etc. Very much a work in progress I am…

    What size boots are ya Eagle?


    Dwayne O

    Dont know Moto boot sizes well, but I am a size 8 in steel caps for work !!!

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