Any one Keep Fish in Tanks?

This topic contains 61 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 15 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #95403

    Mick D

    I am into cichlids, any one who has been to my shed has met Dozer…He is an Albino Oscar



    Scott Battye

    Devon Head

    I used to own an Aquarium (10 years) before the bike shop.
    I had 200 tanks stocked freshwater & marine.
    Bred Cichlids for a long time.
    Wrote fish keeping articles in the local paper for 12 months, used to be called ‘the fish god.’
    Still have a 4′ x 2′ x 2′ tank with a couple of colonies of african cichlids, mainly to keep the kids amused.




    Use too Mick but we have moved 8 times in the last 10 years so it gets a bit messy
    and number 9 is coming in January(i’m getting closer to NSW)



    I have never kept fish in a tank but I have stored them in a barrel. It made it easier to shoot them.


    Mick D

    Batman666 wrote:

    Devon Head

    I used to own an Aquarium (10 years) before the bike shop.
    I had 200 tanks stocked freshwater & marine.
    Bred Cichlids for a long time.
    Wrote fish keeping articles in the local paper for 12 months, used to be called ‘the fish god.’
    Still have a 4′ x 2′ x 2′ tank with a couple of colonies of african cichlids, mainly to keep the kids amused.


    Devon head indeed!! I know who geed you up to call me that!! No neck himself!!
    I have kept fish all my life and I had great plans to have a shed full of tanks but as it turned out I have a shed full of bikes instead. About the same amount of up keep on either is required.:S



    Another fishy thread! And I’ve just noticed there is a whole other forum for it :-O WTF is happening??

    I leave you guys for 3 weeks and look what happens. The shame of it all….


    Nick Again

    Yep….we keep fish in a tank..only cause they seem to live longer that way but!


    Mick D

    Husky610 wrote:

    Yep….we keep fish in a tank..only cause they seem to live longer that way but!

    Ha hahaha, they wouldn’t live long if you put them in the same tank as Dozer…LOL



    Yeah Mick as told you once before I have several Colonies of Malawi Lake Cichlids, I really should be doing stuff to them but the damm thing just breed when I make the tank chemistry right and 400 fish in 5 tanks in the lounge room is the tolerance of my other half:laugh:



    micknmeld wrote:

    Husky610 wrote:

    Yep….we keep fish in a tank..only cause they seem to live longer that way but!

    Ha hahaha, they wouldn’t live long if you put them in the same tank as Dozer…LOL

    Why? Because he’d fall asleep and bore them to death. Hang on…..I think this thread is killing me…..aaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!


    Mick D

    Ktmrat wrote:

    Yeah Mick as told you once before I have several Colonies of Malawi Lake Cichlids, I really should be doing stuff to them but the damm thing just breed when I make the tank chemistry right and 400 fish in 5 tanks in the lounge room is the tolerance of my other half:laugh:

    Bring them around for a dip in Dozer’s tank if you like Dave. He likes visitors.



    Mick this is a shot of my two headed South African Cichlid…yes two headed still alive in my tank now…whats in the water out here




    It’s ugly as faaaaaark. So is Mick’s fish. What are you boys interested in????



    whats more fun than keeping fish in tanks?
    keeping tanks in fish :woohoo:

    you stupid heads

    that internets could have been used for talking about cool stuff – like nx’s



    Moto wrote:

    It’s ugly as faaaaaark. So is Mick’s fish. What are you boys interested in????

    I am with Moto on this one!

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