Looking back to the start of OBT

Home Forums Bull Pit for Members Only Bull Pit for Members Only Looking back to the start of OBT

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 3 months ago.

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    Well I was looking back over some of the threads and I found the first thread started by our first member
    here it is

    Its funny looking back Ron Green was the first member we ever had, he had a problem with his kids PW80 we gave some advice and never heard from him since lol

    You can see Mick joined from TT and so it begins



    Mick D

    Ahh The good ol days. Before Moto joined..LoL, and it was just you, Chris ,me and the occasional visit from Crash and Chicken. It certainly has grown a bit since then. LOL


    I think you have done very well guys. I am not really a poster but drop in to see whats going on and site has definately grown..

    Keep up the great work.




    It’s nice to see Mick stating that if the ride gets serious he cracks the old KTM and leaves the XR at home :p

    Funny to see the first thread though, I had never thought to go look for it….

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