Givin up the Piss!

This topic contains 10 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #95523

    Nick Again

    Tried Givin up the piss…….Again. Fk Me, why is this so damn difficult? Seems ” No matter How I try”……..Oh Well..Fk it.. I made it from Sept. 1st untill now….Thats gotta be some relief on the liver………Isnt it? :unsure: damn, i’d lost 10 kg in that time..I think to need to concentrate….pretty hard ask when your 1/2 pissed and just flicked the missus to the Bottlo for a doz! can I blame this on Global warning? fair crack of the whip but it’s been Hot …Betweeen the Norspan and the heat, i could swear i was seeing Carlton dry’s walking to me! Is it worth even trying harder with a birthday in the next few days, Xmas, Boxing day and then the Bloody new year? It’s all too much i feel..:( The fights just gettin Too hard…Tooo old to fight…maybe just go with the flow………..


    Mick D

    You certainly picked the wrong time of year to stay of the turps…LOL





    Nick Again

    I guess some things are just NOT meant to happen eh……..



    Yeah, I dont need drugs or alcohol God is my HighB) Im hooked on the Lord!!:unsure: ………… well maybe not I have just guzzled 5 tallies of home brew and I feeeeeeell Gooood!

    hope young Johno doesnt rock up to early for the ride in the Wato’s tomorrow:laugh:




    and as champo would say fark god:laugh:



    Nick Again

    yeah, the real sad is I sold a 25 ltr still and brewers off in Sept.!!


    Gday nick been scrachin my head might have meet you i brought my bike from shane at maryborough motocycles and have ridin all the tracks you talk about used to live in hervey bay mite not be you but do remember he sill hadnt changed the seat cover yet and still had blue strip like yours anyway loved riding up there did you get to do the rainbow to noosa run its a great run another good run is woodgate to coonar beach shit loads of tracks and camping had some good rides out to biggenden around the mt walsh area anyway gezz i miss it up there:( ;) :laugh:



    It’s not an easy time of year to give up the brewski’s mate. I’m (still) trying to lose some weight but the beers will be flowing over Christmas :)

    Maybe you should give in and make it a New Year’s resolution? ;)

    PS – Shall we all chip in for Christmas and buy Tiny some software that will add some punctuation to his posts to make the legible? :laugh:


    Nick Again

    Tiny wrote:

    Gday nick been scrachin my head might have meet you i brought my bike from shane at maryborough motocycles and have ridin all the tracks you talk about used to live in hervey bay mite not be you but do remember he sill hadnt changed the seat cover yet and still had blue strip like yours anyway loved riding up there did you get to do the rainbow to noosa run its a great run another good run is woodgate to coonar beach shit loads of tracks and camping had some good rides out to biggenden around the mt walsh area anyway gezz i miss it up there:( ;) :laugh:

    Only people I’ve ridden with down the Bay was with a big fella from the RSL, te 510, his mate on drz 400. Some thing went haywire some where along the paths of life and no longer communicate?? I’ve done bugger all riding in last 6 months. been modding bkes airbox etc… I got my bike threw Sunstate in hervey bay. I think the lad at shanes just wasnt interested in selling husky? Sad .



    Speaking of giving up the piss I’ve decided to make it my New Years resolution not to drink in the week. The weekday drinking has crept back in and isn’t doing anything for my pathetic attempt at losing weight so needs to be cut back.

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