Cheap Insurance!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #95547


    Okay, now I’ve got your attention I thought it might be a good idea to try and find out who most people on the site use for fully comprehensive insurance. If we have enough people using a couple of big companies I will ring them in the New Year and ask if we can get a club discount. This is popular in the UK and works very well. Whether it has the same effect here is yet to be seen, but where is the harm in trying?

    All you have to do is post up the insurance company you at present for fully comp insurance.

    I will keep the thread updated with the replies :)

    1. Moto – Swan Insurance
    2. TB – Insure My Ride


    Mick D




    Just as a note to other members you don’t need to reply and tell me that you have no insurance ;) I know where a few XR’s are though if anyones’s interested :p


    Mick D

    If they break into my shed the XR’s are probably the last things they would take.They are to hard to start for the average punter.



    Stop hijacking the only semi-worthwhile thread I have ever started! :p



    I have my bike with Insure My Ride, but am not happy



    Updated, cheers mate :)

    C’mon people, get posting if you want a crack at cheaper insurance.

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