Yesterday the %#@*% cord that starts my #$@*% whipper snipper failed to retract like it is supposed to. Having dealt with pull start recoil set ups before I was aware that there is a #@^&%# long spring in there that is a #@*t to get back in, so I was being extra careful when I pulled it apart, to no avail, the spring went “twoying” and shot out near taking my eye out in the process.
I battled with the @#*&ing thing trying to get it back in for quite some time before giving up in disgust. I actually used some choice Australian adjectives in the process.
At this stage I figured there must be some trick to getting the *&$#ing thing back in. So here I am, hat in hand asking does anyone know how to do it??
Maybe I should have put this post in the KTM section, as one thing I noticed yesterday that Stihl equipment is the same colour as KTM.