Balls of steel

This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #95696

    Mick D


    Absolutley awsome, maybe we could give it a go of Bago with a bed sheet and a set o overalls:laugh:



    Thats the go fossil, I vote we push Mick first!


    Mick D

    Good call Fossil LMFAO.:laugh:
    No good for me, I can’t get myself close enough to the Edge of Bago to even have a peek down the cliff.
    Although I have done a tandem parachute jump that was awesome and I would do that again.:woohoo:



    That has got to be some of the best base jummping footage I’ve seen. I’ve jumped out a perfectly good plane a few times and it is the best feeling, but those guys flying past the road takes balls the size of cocnuts. Nice stuff.


    Eric Smith

    Nice find Mick, but you’d have to be nuckin’ futs wouldn’t ya??!!:ohmy:



    That’s pretty rude, you would need a hefty set of cahunas to fly past the road like he did….


    Eric Smith

    Not questioning the size of bodily parts, just the sanity of someone dropping, semi-controlled, within inches if rock faces etc! If I described this sport to you I’m sure your first reaction would be “That’s crazy!” ;) smiley-shocked013.gif

    Nuckin’ futs!:laugh: smiley-taunt007.gif



    That’s crazy! :p

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