Too many Ollies

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    What’s the meaning of this Ollies.jpg



    And why are my pictures displaying too small in this forum :unsure:


    Eric Smith

    There were two of me the other day as well. Just think how pleased the world was that there was even more of me to love! The world was so lucky that day! Oh, and of course we are lucky now to have two ollie’s!



    There’s three, I’m not so sure we are lucky.



    Don’t know down the bottom Ollie is only listed once but on the whose viewing he is there 3 times, can’t say I have ever noticed it before but will look into it, maybe he’s like TB and signed in on every computer he can.




    What about the pictures ? They are so damn small all the time!!
    Is there something I am doing wrong ?


    Mick D

    WE had one member on the weekend signed on 26 times!! I presumed they had opened another page without closing the last somehow.If that makes sense.


    Eric Smith

    Mine happened when my original login timed out – when I went to get a beer or something – then came back and suddenly I was there twice!


    Mick D

    I just tried my theory and it didn’t work.So I’ve got nothing. It has only just started doing it recently though.



    micknmeld wrote:

    WE had one member on the weekend signed on 26 times!! I presumed they had opened another page without closing the last somehow.If that makes sense.

    I have opened mulityply pages and had it happen so thats my thought Mick, hey is at really that big a deal? I have been watching it for a while, but thought whatever I guess I am slack like that, next time Chris and I have a sit down we can look into it

    Yes JRD you are doing something wrong with your pictures if yours are the only small ones, but was it is I dont know without knowing what you are doing




    JRD – Post a pic in this thread and I will have a look at it. I might know the problem.

    I have seen the problem with the names for a while now, like Mick, I saw about 10 of one person logged in the other day! The one at the bottom seems to be showing me the love though :)



    Has something funny just happened to all the games? Can someone check for me to see if it’s just me?



    Moto, the picture he has posted at the top of the thread is posted through the site. What do you use to post your pictures on DBW JRD? If its photobucket or the likes just do the same here :)



    Games dead R.I.P. I will tell Chris now, he may have been loading something or PacMan maybe?

    Stay tuned



    I can’t make JRD’s picture any bigger either :(

    RIP the games :laugh: I was just about to whopp aarochild at the worm game. Can you resret the score on that one Chris when it’s reloaded :laugh:

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