$42 Billion Economic Stimulus Package MK1

This topic contains 64 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 16 years ago.

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    What do you guys think? Is it a good thing or is big Kev just spanking the budget surplus and driving Australia into debt like every other country?

    What will you do with the money, do you even get any money?


    Dwayne O

    “MILKY BAR KID” is pulling his pud I reckon,,,,,, we the taxpayer WILL be PAYING BIGTIME as soon as things get on the UP & UP:angry:



    Big mistake I feel.. The last cash give away did sweet bugger all except for fill the pokies and publicans wallets..
    My old man said the earlier package was called “Rudd’s party” and everyone pissed it up the wall out west..


    im gonna get my suspension set up for my 110kgs.

    thats what my ribs are tellin me to do

    the worlds gettin f**kter by the minute and im too pissed to care:side: :side: :side: :side: :side: :side:



    I reckon he’s pissing it up the wall too. Bring back Howard, he had a brain, even if he is an ugly goat faced bastard.


    Moto wrote:

    I reckon he’s pissing it up the wall too. Bring back Howard, he had a brain, even if he is an ugly goat faced bastard.

    bring back howard …..

    now your really pushin it

    f**kin foreigners



    You didn’t know I was foreign until 2 minutes ago!:P

    In keeping with all politicians Howard is the lesser of to evils IMO.


    “I can’t be patriotic as I’m disowned England as the mother country and am not an Australian citizen”.

    thats as foriegn as you need to be tiger.

    and they call me a dumb mexican…. sheesh!!!

    :P :P :P :P :P :P :P



    So you’re happy with Rudd and his handout obviously then. Furry muff, like the last one though, most of it will end up in the pokies. Maybe instead of giving it everyone who earns less than $100K he should give it to everyone who earns more than that.

    Statistically, lower wage earners are the biggest pokie players. If he gave it to the peopel earning over $100K then it might actually get put back into Australian business (non-pokie related ones) :P



    I wish I was a part of the last handout. But no. My wage was to high (HA). Much better idea to give it to those less fortunates. You know the ones who are too busy to get a job or too smart to actually try at work to better themselves. Bugger me I dont have a government funded plasma screen hanging on the wall to watch Foxtel. Shit I dont even have a plasma or Foxtel. Give it to the deadshits who know how to handle money, handle it straight over the bar or into the pokies. If I had got it, I would of spent it on more purposeful things like doing some work around the yard or something of that nature. But what would I know, I’m just middle class working scum that earns to much to get a handout, but just enough to pay the full wack for everything. God bless the less fortunate ones. F**ken greedy pigs they are suckling from Australias teet. Get your fuc*en head out of the government troff and get a job.


    pokies suck mate….

    we should have let you NSWalers keep them. all the pensioners used to love having their weekend away up to the pokies in yarrawonga or wodonga. they have f**ked vitorian battlers

    but ferals will be ferals…………..

    if they are playin pokies, they arent breeding


    DanD wrote:

    I wish I was a part of the last handout. But no. My wage was to high (HA). Much better idea to give it to those less fortunates. You know the ones who are too busy to get a job or too smart to actually try at work to better themselves. Bugger me I dont have a government funded plasma screen hanging on the wall to watch Foxtel. Shit I dont even have a plasma or Foxtel. Give it to the deadshits who know how to handle money, handle it straight over the bar or into the pokies. If I had got it, I would of spent it on more purposeful things like doing some work around the yard or something of that nature. But what would I know, I’m just middle class working scum that earns to much to get a handout, but just enough to pay the full wack for everything. God bless the less fortunate ones. F**ken greedy pigs they are suckling from Australias teet. Get your fuc*en head out of the government troff and get a job.

    sick em DanD…. grrrrr



    I feel your pain Dan. I don’t have kids, nor am I am pensioner or carer so it was zip for me too. I get bugger all from this one as well. Maybe Kevin just doesn’t like me :P :dry:



    Just gives me the F**ken shits thats all. I have been employed since leaving school never been eligible for the handouts.


    me too mate. we are DINKS (dual income, no kids) and we always get bugger all.

    its f**cked when you have to do deals with your boss to keep ya from paying tax thru the arse. let alone the medicare levy…

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