Broken Bago..Wauchope Feb 15

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Broken Bago..Wauchope Feb 15

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  • #95838


    Hi Guys,
    For any interested,
    Sunday 15th Feb
    5.45am at Broken Bago ride away at 6.20 am
    Intersection of Bago rd, Nine Tree Rd and Old Highway Rd
    Here is link to where we will meet,,152.733779&spn=0.028839,0.069222&z=15
    The Bull and myself along with a few others will be riding a loop around 80km on Sunday and will be back at the cars by 10.30am before the heat of the day really hits, All welcome to follow, be there on time if you want to go. Make sure you have fuel for the trip as there is no fuel stops in the bush.
    Some of us will no doubt end up at the local for an early counter lunch I would say.

    Updated list- possibly 22 so far

    KTM Bull – KTM 525
    Ole Mate 520 – KTM 520
    Rosco – KDX 200
    Puddles – Blue Sh#t box 400 something blaah blah
    4 others – (we are working on them to become Old Bulls)
    KTM Rat – KTM 576
    Steve (wingham) -KTM 530
    Syd (wingham) -KTM 530
    T-Rex (wingham) – KTM 200
    2 others from wingham(confirmed)
    3 others from wingham(not confirmed)
    Strucky on his Honda 400
    Finza – WR450
    Tucky – Old steel framed dunger 250 blue crap
    Mickmeld -XR630 (if he gets a leave pass)

    Make sure you give the other half nice flowers for Valentines Day the day before and all will be good to go on Sunday, especially when you will be back before lunch….Maybe:laugh: :woohoo:
    See Ya There



    I have some things to organise, I am headed to QLD that weekend I will see what I can do, would like to be there for the ride




    Shame it’s the day after Valentines and I’m 3 hours away :( Would have been a nice warm up ride for my first ride back. I’ll have to save it for Wuchope now then :)

    Have a good one boys.



    Updated list- possibly 18 so far

    KTM Bull – KTM 525
    Ole Mate 520 – KTM 520
    Rosco – KDX 200
    Puddles – Blue Sh#t box 400 something blaah blah
    4 others – (we are working on them to become Old Bulls)
    KTM Rat – KTM 576
    Steve (wingham) -KTM 530
    Syd (wingham) -KTM 530
    T-Rex (wingham) – KTM 200
    2 others from wingham(confirmed)
    3 others from wingham(not confirmed)
    Strucky on his Honda 400



    IT will be good to ride with the boys from Wingham,it must be a year or so



    Yes it has been a while since I bashed bars with the crew



    Where are we riding Rat are we going to any water holes or lookouts for a quick break


    Mick D

    Bit of bad news here. Plenty of good trails about to be trashed.:(



    [s10]Broken Bago State Forest No. 184/c

    Compartments 1032-1039/c

    Forests NSW wish to advise that selective harvesting operations within Broken Bago State Forest compartments 1032-1039 are scheduled to commence from February 2009. The compartments are located in the northern section of Broken Bago State Forest, south of the Oxley Highway between Bago Road, Greggs Road, and The Paddock Road area.

    Operational plans will be available for inspection at the Central Regional Office, Maher Street, Wauchope. Please contact Forests NSW on 6585 3744, for further information.

    K. Jones

    Regional Manager

    Central Region



    micknmeld wrote:

    Bit of bad news here. Plenty of good trails about to be trashed.:(



    [s10]Broken Bago State Forest No. 184/c

    Compartments 1032-1039/c

    Forests NSW wish to advise that selective harvesting operations within Broken Bago State Forest compartments 1032-1039 are scheduled to commence from February 2009. The compartments are located in the northern section of Broken Bago State Forest, south of the Oxley Highway between Bago Road, Greggs Road, and The Paddock Road area.

    Operational plans will be available for inspection at the Central Regional Office, Maher Street, Wauchope. Please contact Forests NSW on 6585 3744, for further information.

    K. Jones

    Regional Manager

    Central Region

    Is this going to be a problem Rat



    Nah No problems Bull I cant read remember:)



    where are we riding Rat what loop



    Updated list- possibly 21 so far

    KTM Bull – KTM 525
    Ole Mate 520 – KTM 520
    Rosco – KDX 200
    Puddles – Blue Sh#t box 400 something blaah blah
    4 others – (we are working on them to become Old Bulls)
    KTM Rat – KTM 576
    Steve (wingham) -KTM 530
    Syd (wingham) -KTM 530
    T-Rex (wingham) – KTM 200
    2 others from wingham(confirmed)
    3 others from wingham(not confirmed)
    Strucky on his Honda 400
    Finza – WR450
    Tucky – Old steel framed dunger 250 blue crap



    KTM Bull wrote:

    where are we riding Rat what loop

    Mate I dont know the exact location of where I will be falling off the dirt bike that day, but we will more than likely end up near swanies or the rock at around the 9am



    With some luck we may see some rain to settle the dust



    As long as I am up front who cares:ohmy:

    Yes rain would be good but do you think it is coming

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