Indoor Go Karting This Saturday!!!!!

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    Who wants to go GO KARTING tomorrow (Saturday 14th Feb)?????

    Due to it being so wet here in Newcastle, Champo & I have decided that it is the perfect time to go GO KARTING!!!!

    I have booked 6 places at the Indoor Go Karting track at Thornton for tomorrow at 4.30pm. Champo & I have got 2 of those places and it would be fantastic if there was some other Old Bulls out there who could race us around the track!!!!!

    The cost is $40 per person for 2 x 10 minute races of an indoor track. Plus $5 per person for a “Licence”, which is valid for 12 months. Minimum age is 13 years.

    Champo & I have raced at 4 other go kart tracks over the last couple of years and this is one of the best!!!

    Please let us know if you interested.

    I can add more places if there is the more people (or reduce if you are all too busy :( )

    We will be checking this regularly today & tomorrow.

    I can’t wait :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: It’s almost as good as riding ;)



    Sorry Tracy would love to, but am of the Brisbane tomorrow :(
    Photos how about some photos



    Yes we will aim for photos. They could be quite funny if I can take them whilst driving?!?!? Or would that be too dangerous?!?!?!

    It has occurred to me that its is valentines day tomorrow so it might not fit in with everyone’s “romantic’ plans?!?!?

    Have fun in QLD TB!!!




    Trailboss wrote:

    Sorry Tracy would love to, but am of the Brisbane tomorrow :(
    Photos how about some photos




    karting has been moved to Sunday
    rrrrracytracy, moto, tigertyne and me are booked in for 11:00am
    if you want in:
    click on the site below and ask to be booked @ 11

    let us know here and we will see ya there



    Wooohoooo can I get a whoop whoop!?

    Tigertyne, loving that one, I’ll go tell her that’s her new name :) Better than my offering of turpentyne :laugh: Oh, hello darling I didn’t see you there:dry:


    Dwayne O

    Sorry guys,
    We have our son`s 12th B Day celebrations at the Forum Pool “SPLASHZONE” on Sunday & he has tennis comp tomorrow,,,,,
    Maybe another time guys:)



    We would have whipped you anyway :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    😆 😆 😆 Believe that if u wish, I used to be australian champion !!!!!!
    One day we will meet on the track:P


    Dwayne O

    I was AUSSIE CHAMP the same year your uncle Mike raced the “DAKAR” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    That`s right,,,,,,,,,,, I have NEVER even been in a kart :blush: :blush: :blush:
    Did I have ya there???? probably NOT:huh:



    Ummmmm……no would be the short answer! :laugh:

    As long as I don’t get beaten by Tigertyne it will be all good. I’m starting to wish I wasn’t so ‘muscular’ now though :laugh:



    Mick D

    champo35 wrote:

    I forgot about that first photo.She is hot.



    is being excited by your own image sus?



    moto check your pm regarding making a porno on sunday night after karting

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