Who wants to go GO KARTING tomorrow (Saturday 14th Feb)?????
Due to it being so wet here in Newcastle, Champo & I have decided that it is the perfect time to go GO KARTING!!!!
I have booked 6 places at the Indoor Go Karting track at Thornton for tomorrow at 4.30pm. Champo & I have got 2 of those places and it would be fantastic if there was some other Old Bulls out there who could race us around the track!!!!!
The cost is $40 per person for 2 x 10 minute races of an indoor track. Plus $5 per person for a “Licence”, which is valid for 12 months. Minimum age is 13 years.
Champo & I have raced at 4 other go kart tracks over the last couple of years and this is one of the best!!!
Please let us know if you interested.
I can add more places if there is the more people (or reduce if you are all too busy
We will be checking this regularly today & tomorrow.
I can’t wait :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: It’s almost as good as riding