help uploading pics please!

Home Forums Favourite Photo and Videos Favourite Photo and Videos help uploading pics please!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 1 month ago.

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    [img size=273][/img] Hate to be ignorant guys (never went to skool),
    but how do i upload more pics?
    I managed to upload a couple (made one mistake by uploading two of the same shot!-duh!)
    but later when I tried uploading more pics, (even smaller: 200kb), they wouldnt upload.

    They are jpg files and not large. In my first post they came up as attachments and worked well.

    later when I tried posting images I uploaded them (from my hard drive) then clicked on the ‘img’ thinggy next to the browse button. when I clicked on preview all I [img size=273][/img] got was the little square with a cross as shown above…

    I noticed other posts where thier pics didnt show the attachment icon yet thier pics were in the post….

    any help greatly appreciated as theres some real hum dingers I’d love to share with yas!



    grrrrrr…. now its working!!!! duh!!!! ok ill have some fun with yas now….



    Eric Smith

    Hey Hypo! What most of us do is upload our pics to and then link them to here. You need an account there, then upload the pics to the photobucket account. A small tip would be to create folders to put the pics in so that you don’t have eleventy million photos to sort through in one folder!

    Then under each image you get a few options. Under the IMG code is a line of text which you can select, copy and paste here to see the photos.

    Hit the Quote button from my post and have a look at the IMG code for this image:



    thanks guys thats great.
    I managed to upload a few but I think I need to make them smaller as some wont upload.(maybe because I’m only on dialup or thier too big).

    I’ll definately do the photobucket thing tomorra as its beddy byes soon for me tonight!

    much appreciated…



    Hey hypoman, the photies won’t be too big for photobucket so must be the slow connection. Good work on the pics though, keep em’ coming :)

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