Ride today friday 20th

Home Forums Ride Reports Ride today friday 20th

This topic contains 13 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  philby 16 years ago.

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    We met at my shed only 3 kdx had to work,the rat hypoman and myself went for a 40km loop there was a lot of water out there still and lots of new ruts and mounds of leaf and dirt on all the hills.
    I had a small slip over in a mud hole but it was a soft landing after about 35km mark Hypoman had to go back as he was unfit and his XR needs a valve ajustment and was running bad

    the rat and myself went some harder trails home and tested bike control up and down some nice gullys on a tight single trail. The rat had to go for a swim to cool off in one creek.

    we then had a good ride back to my place with the rat pushing me all the way thank lord Kato that he had a MOTOZ rear and was fighting to get grip,a good ride was had and no repairs to bodys needed


    Mick D

    Up towards Cobrabald were you?



    micknmeld wrote:

    Up towards Cobrabald were you?

    WE tryed to go that way but there was new loging going on over that way and have blocked some tracks we would normaly go round but the foristry were there working so we went Belangry way



    Man I am still over heating , I think I will have a swim in the creek behind the house….Choice ride was had, Hey Bull I am so glad we have guys like Mick to rely on to work while we play…..GOOD JOB MICK…..I will give you some Karma Mate:side: :side: :side: :side: :blink:



    Its guys like Mick that keep the country running….More Karma :) :) :) :P



    Someone has to do the work



    But its great isnt it …I mean we can play more because of him….all this praise and he is not here to get it:laugh: :dry: :unsure: :S


    Mick D

    Ktmrat wrote:

    Its guys like Mick that keep the country running….More Karma :) :) :) :P

    Well what happened to the Karma??? BTW I am sure you would like to know I worked my arse off today and made it over the line as far as budget goes, so I get an $800 bonus in my pay……..so jam that in your pipe and smoke it!!!:woohoo:



    There are, you got you Karma:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    micknmeld wrote:

    Ktmrat wrote:

    Its guys like Mick that keep the country running….More Karma :) :) :) :P

    Well what happened to the Karma??? BTW I am sure you would like to know I worked my arse off today and made it over the line as far as budget goes, so I get an $800 bonus in my pay……..so jam that in your pipe and smoke it!!!:woohoo:

    Cash dosnt smoke that good thanks anyway Mick


    Mick D

    TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT Beer oclock see ya’s



    Karma for working, now I have seen it all :ohmy:


    Mick D

    Trailboss wrote:

    Karma for working, now I have seen it all :ohmy:

    Hey you took my newly aquired karma!!! Bastard!!



    great ride buddies…
    riding the 600 was great! have to get some tread on that back tyre though!
    beats the sh@t out of ridimg my XRM 110 for the last 6 months in asia dogging chickens,water buyffalo, pigs, doggey buses with no brake lights, other riders with no rego (or headlights),sugar cane trucks (left over from the war), cops on 150cc chinese cruisers, motorised trikes, secads (push bike trikes) and all of them belching smoke!
    yes we are lucky riding here. Its so peaceful and calm. less dangerous and the aussie bush tops it all off for a great days riding…
    hmmmm bugger the tyre, think ill go riding again tomorrow….

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