ECKS shakes his head…

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jason 16 years ago.

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  • #96015

    Eric Smith

    …its unbelieveable! I just sat down and added up the work we have lined up ready to go, but pending final approval from the clients. $60K in round figures! That will keep me working for months if nothing else comes in the door. The problem? We’re still not able to do the work! Here’s come classic examples:

    One job is for the local Council. This job first raised its head in 1983(!). Over the years it has been tossed up to be done now and again apparently, but this time the council has a contract with the land owners saying everything will be finalised by the end of June. If they don’t hurry up there’s no chance of meeting the deadline!

    Another job is for Cowra Council. I picked up this one when another company lost their surveyor and its a bit of a funny arrangement. Anyway, in October 2008 we were told to liase with Council and get onto it ASAP. I have chased this thing since then and it is still being delayed! Again, the budget runs out after June…

    This week, had a call from an architect. I should have known better really. Him: Please survey 4 schools for this stimulus package work. Me: Great, I’m surprised it was ready to go this quick, but OK. Him: Please talk to the head of that department because they are paying you and you’ll need to liase with them for access and so on. Me: Ok, sure. (Starting to smell a rat.) Talk to Mr Head of Department dude: Um, actually at the moment it is still in the application process and we can’t pay you. Actually we probably don’t need a survey yet either. It will happen eventually, just not yet. Oh, and the budget? End of June!

    In the meantime I am scraping the bottom of the overdraft and have had to lay off my graduate surveyor. And the bills keep coming.

    I know I will be busy when this work comes through, but as of right now, I shake my head in disbelief!



    Mate I cant believe how painful dealing with public works, councils and local governments are from my experience it makes you want to drink, good luck with it mate.
    How much do they expect done the final weeks of June so they can unload their budgets, arseholes



    Eric Smith

    When things go right when dealing with a council, you feel great! The rest of the time, which is the majority of the time, you feel like headbutting something…



    That’s not good news ECKS. I have some (limited) experience in delaing with Wyong Council, if the ones you are dealing with are anything to go by you’ve got a long and hard haul ahead.

    I hope the bank can extend your overdraft for you in these times of hardship. :(



    ECKS-Man wrote:

    When things go right when dealing with a council, you feel great! The rest of the time, which is the majority of the time, you feel like headbutting something…

    Yeah, like a council member :laugh:


    Eric Smith

    Overdraft is at max it can be, but we are getting a small cash flow which will keep me ticking over. Days like today annoy me though, no jobs on, doing accounts (what fun) and wracking my brain to try and think of who else to call for work! At least the floor will get swept! :laugh:

    Wellington Council has such a bad record with DA processing times they no longer report them to the Department of Planning… they say the planners are too busy to compile this information! Its a joy.:S



    Bloody time wasters. :( Hope it gets busy for you with some of this stimulus cash spreading around..


    Eric Smith

    Moto wrote:

    ECKS-Man wrote:

    When things go right when dealing with a council, you feel great! The rest of the time, which is the majority of the time, you feel like headbutting something…

    Yeah, like a council member :laugh:

    No comment!smiley-angelic012.gif


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