dudes, i know that my weekend wasnt as good as most of you had, out on the trails, blazin away.
i did have a good weekend for another couple of reasons…
first, i swapped this $550 chinese pit bike…

for this… an ’89 kawasaki js550 jetski.

it came with trailer, rego, 2 engines, 2 jets and a heap of other goodies in a box.
“old mate” told me it was not running as it had no spark, and he was not interested or capable of finding out why…
however, menace, the shifty pr!ck, happened to grap hold of the ‘engine ground wire’ while the bloke was crankin it over and WHACK…i got a shock! :blink:
i had found the problem, the engine ground wire was just layin in the hull….not connected!!!
“sounds like a fair swap to me” i said;)
while trying my hardest not to lose my cool composureB) 
after smirking all the way home:woohoo: , i got onto ebay and bought the “clymer” manual on cd for 5 bucks…the book is usually $75.
then sammy and i went and did our tax for last year and presto, over 6 gorillas comin….and some stimulus package too…
so i did something different….i got drunken to celebrate 😆 :silly: 😆 :silly: 😆 :silly:
Eagle will be proud of me as i now “technically” own a “green 2 stroke motorized vehicle”….LOL…
now to paint it ORANGE!!!!!
sammy just said….”Hmmmmm, something else to mangle yourself on hey baby!!!
no sense of humour, that girl!!
still team orange, with a splash of green!!!