Taking the plunge.

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  • #96075

    Nick Again

    Finally I stopped the procrastination and Splashed out on a Home Gym. Apart from needing to get into some semblence of ” Condition” for riding my bike, I’m going to give a kick at rebuilding my shoulder with the thing. I kinda figure that IF i work it right, i should be able to regenerate some control of the joint. Seems the Doc’s are a touch “iffy”, however seeing as how they aren’t in a rush to touch it, Fk em! So here goes. If you dont see an add for a “New home Gym” for sale in the next month or two, then I’m probably having success. I think this is Gunna HURT peoples…:blink: :S .Already the missus is adding the required 2 x tspns of Cement per cup of coffee in preperation for said Attempt at “Fitness”.



    Good work, you will feel better for it I reckon. I STILL need to get going on this myself, although have been through the fat to fit transition before and it’s great when you get there :)

    Just start off slow and easy, especially with anything effecting the movement of your shoulder. Lastly………bloody good luck to you!!


    Nick Again

    Yeah..It’s all good Moto. I have been looking into this for sometime. I reckon its something I shoulda done a year or 2 ago. I seriously look forward to it.



    :p You say that now! Nah, it’s all good, I will get on the case too, I am definately not looking forward to it.


    Nick Again

    Gooood Morning Moto!! Mate, I have been Wondering if the Doc’s have thios all wrong for some time now. I’ve been biting the bit wanting to hit a decent “cable” gym set up for awhile. My new( expensive) peice of gear will be here in another week. I am not patient. Scored real well too. HE HE..lad in shop ( over phone) says he can cut me a deeal..little did he know the drama’s coming his way. He sold me a gym for 800. Next day he rings back…sorry we’re outa stock..Would you be prepared to add 2 hundred to it and get the next model..I umm and Ahhh..agree. Next day, he’s on the phone…those were sold out..I have another one but its a grand dearer…I told him I’d take it..and they can give it to me for what I already Paid, delivered to my Fkn Door! He goes away, comes back after around 2 mins, deal done. Scored a 22oo $ gym for 1090. Not a bad day. :)


    Nick Again

    I really look forward to the Extra control it can give me Moto. last ride( Amamoor) I hit an errosion mound and my left arm couldn’t keep up. I really aint that talented to go doing One handers Moto..I came sooo close to cleaning up the Embankment it wasn’t funny. Ended up saving my arse by finding the mirror…strange how that little mirror has saved my butt…twice now…my hope is this Gym will give me the extra strength in that arm…or I may have to trade my 610 down to something MUCH smaller..Something i really dont want to do as it’s the “Perfect” bike for longer runs…exploration style rides…the Fitness part is added bonus.



    Moto wrote:

    Good work, you will feel better for it I reckon. I STILL need to get going on this myself, although have been through the fat to fit transition before and it’s great when you get there :)

    Just start off slow and easy, especially with anything effecting the movement of your shoulder. Lastly………bloody good luck to you!!

    I agree Moto it is great ………….. not so great if you let it go again though:( ……… I went through the pain in 2005 to get from 98kg to 72kg but alas back to 99kg and far from fit enough for riding.

    As Moto said Husky good luck and don’t push and do more damage. I am trying to get fired back up here as well so one day we might be legends on the trails;)(in my dreams:blink: ) .


    99kg hey you got nothin:kiss:


    Nick Again

    Tiny wrote:

    99kg hey you got nothin:kiss:

    Yeah..but he’s short Tiny!! LOL.. (Sorry Sirdropalot :kiss: )
    Ok. had gym going for over a week now, so far I’ve only done MINOR damage to self..Being the Smart ass i sometimes can be, i didnt put ALL the wieght plates on the Gym, as i know I’d just end up being Dumb. I’ve sorted out a decent couple of routines..shelved one already and am working out a second to replace it with. My conclusion is that this is Sic. I should have done it ages ago. So far I’m feeling OK.( yes..I’ve had a rather painful day or two from it) and look forward to my “workout” days and can feel some benefits from it already. a down side is all the extra energy I get. upside..The fitter i get( or stronger)the better control I should achieve, the more i can start to “chuck” the bike around..( does anyone “chuck” a 140 kg bike about??)
    My plan is to gain strength..not loose wieght, although that wouldn’t be a bad thing either but fast walking and or running is way out of the question…I could certainly afford to loose 20-25kg without looking Anorexic..



    Tiny wrote:

    99kg hey you got nothin:kiss:

    That maybe so Tiny but compared to 72kg I got plenty:laugh:

    Husky610 wrote:

    Yeah..but he’s short Tiny!! LOL.. (Sorry Sirdropalot )

    Hey I resemble that remark:blush:



    I just lost an incy wincy bit of weight from actually getting out and doing some riding recently. I’d be on the weights to but after my crash a few weeks ago when I hurt my ribs/knee I can’t do them.

    I feel better for having lost the tiny bit that I have though. Now I want to get to the weights to take advantage of my recent positive attitude towards it.

    When you’re in the mood do extra if you can (providing you’re not risking injury) :)



    Ultimoto wrote:

    I just lost an incy wincy bit of weight from actually getting out and doing some riding recently. I’d be on the weights to but after my crash a few weeks ago when I hurt my ribs/knee I can’t do them.

    I feel better for having lost the tiny bit that I have though. Now I want to get to the weights to take advantage of my recent positive attitude towards it.

    When you’re in the mood do extra if you can (providing you’re not risking injury) :)

    Yeah I am back on the weights and trying to do 30min a day on exercise bike, although I have no choice now as I have to go back to manual labour workwise:blink: which will probably help take it off anyway;)



    It won’t take long at all to lose weight doing 30 mins of cardio a day. Do it for 6 weeks and you’ll be impressed with the results.

    If your aim is mainly to lose weight stick to 60-80% of your max heart rate which is the zone in which your body burns the most fat :)

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