Newcastle Show Public Holiday

This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 15 years, 11 months ago.

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    Found out yesterday that I get the day off on Friday as it’s a public holiday in Newcastle. Sweet!

    Anyone else in the area get it off?

    All you boys not in the area….suck it in :laugh:



    Are you going for a ride ? If so I might be able to get off as well and go for a blast in the Wato’s




    Mate I would love too but still have my Mum and Nan over from the UK. They go home on the 4th April so how baout Sun 5th? I haven’t ridden with you in the Watties for ages…..


    Bruce Curtis

    Moto wrote:

    Found out yesterday that I get the day off on Friday as it’s a public holiday in Newcastle. Sweet!

    Anyone else in the area get it off?

    All you boys not in the area….suck it in :laugh:

    Yeah damn, no-one else in the country gets a showday, or a union picnic day or Carers days or….or…..
    Yeah we suck, I can’t believe how much we suck:P




    Moto wrote:

    Mate I would love too but still have my Mum and Nan over from the UK. They go home on the 4th April so how baout Sun 5th? I haven’t ridden with you in the Watties for ages…..

    sorry mate,that will be hangover recovery day for me (probably you to if your mum and Nan are going back to the “Ol Dart”:laugh: ) I have a big wedding to attend in Narellan, another day maybe
    my boy has just started his rugby again so sundays are going to be a bit dicey:unsure:




    Ahhhh….okay. Well I’ll be riding then anyway, hopefully without the hangover! I’ll probably get a decent ride in over Easter though which will be the week after.

    You can gee Gili up for the 5th still ;)



    Gili is now a seagoing sailor I have got all of The School Holidays off so should be able to get a ride or two in surely




    I’ve got the day off.:)



    Are you looking for a ride on Sunday 5th Moto?



    Yeah, I’ll go out with Matt and the guy from work if he’s around. You keen then?

    Ollie, so Gili is at sea for a few weeks/months at a pop now is he?



    Yes I am. I have expressed my interest in your other thread.



    Cool! I’m looking forward to it already :)

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