Look what I just bought

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  • #96225

    Mick D

    It is a bit rough but with a bit of TLC my young fella will love it,that is if his mother will let him ride it. It runs ok,just need a bit of a tidy up.


    Nick Gilbert

    you’re a nutter Mick!!



    That looks a bit sus to me Mick, there is no PDS:woohoo:

    is it supposed to be the 70cc model? do you know.

    i’ve been tempted to buy a kit myself, but always find something else to throw my $$$$ at.

    i picked up a cheap 49cc pocket motor to convert to a brush cutter, but if that dose not work out i’ve thought of devising to hook two of them together and making a twin pocket bike. twin pipes and all:blink: :silly:


    Mick D

    It is a long story,but basically I had to buy it of the guy so he could afford to buy something of me(ie advertising in the paper)
    It cost me $300. Connor will have some fun with it and it can go in my crazy bicycle collection. KInda cheap when you consider my first Penny Farthing cost me $1800.

    Dunno how many CC it is, I am thinking 25cc?



    we could bore a stroke it:) :) :)


    Mick D

    I am already looking for a suspension front end for it…LOL
    Marzocci would be good.



    CR125 motor or one of your many XR6:woohoo:




    He saw you coming for $300 :laugh: That bike when new probably didn’t cost that :P

    If he’s got another one I’ll give him a $1000 for it, cheap at twice the price :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


    Mick D

    Specification of 48cc engine
    1. Engine Type: Single cylinder, air-cooled, 2-stroke
    2. Type of fuel mix :(16:1/20:1)
    3. Displacement: 48cc
    4. Ignition: C.D.I. ignition
    5. MAX.Power: 1.2kW @ 5500rpm
    6. Economy: 100 km/1.2 litre fuel
    7. Nominal speed: 30-35km/h
    8. Fuel tank: 2 litre
    9. Overall weight: 9kg
    10. Bore: 40mm
    11. Stroke: 38mm
    12. Compression ratio: 6:1

    The engine kits are $235 + freight.




    check this listing out

    flea bay item number: 130300002594

    looks like what you’ve got. the real displacement is more likely 60-65cc from what another seller had listed it at.

    check this out 167cc victa turbo build :ohmy: Ausrotary



    $300 you are kidding me!!!!! :ohmy:

    Check the laws on riding it Mick on roads or foot paths :huh:

    $300 fark me :ohmy:

    Listen I have suspended front end with a disc brake setup, that Lochie would sell you for $40 bucks or so, but you paid $300 for that and told people :ohmy: I reckon the suspension and brake setup is worth a $1000 or so :P

    Never leave a fool with his money for they are easily parted

    Let me know about the front end



    Mick D

    I only bought it for the fun factor and it is something Connor can fool around with.There are blokes cutting around town on them all over the place and they ride straight past the cop shop all the time. So they must be legal.



    micknmeld wrote:

    So they must be legal.

    Just look into it, maybe ok in wauchope as a horseless carriage is still a new thing :laugh:

    Hey you want some forks and disc brake?


    $300 fark me !!!


    Mick D

    Yep they are legal in NSW but not in QLD.amazing!!

    The following vehicles (irrespective of the power output of the motor) are banned from use on roads or in public areas.

    Motorised foot scooters (with or without a seat) – electric/petrol engine
    Motorised human transporters such as the WheelMan, or SEGWAY
    Motorised skateboards – electric/petrol engine

    Motor assisted pedal cycles with electric or petrol engines are exempt from registration, provided the maximum engine output power does not exceed 200 watts. Riders must follow the same road rules as for pedal cycles without motors, including wearing a helmet.

    Source: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/usingroads/bicycle/index.html


    Mick D

    Yeah,I might be interested in the forks and whatever.

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