Hey Menace & ford fans. Want a laugh!

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    go to ebay and search XY GT ute and you will find a black XY ute.

    the owner is convinced it is a GT.

    for those that do not know the GT history, ford Never made a GT ute.

    you could order any XY and other falcons that had a GT in the line up, with all the GT options/ specs from engine to suspension etc.

    but it was never recognised as a GT it was only GT optioned.

    the highest form of factory recognised ute you could get is a GS.

    anyway it made me laugh, any ford fan may as well. so i thought i’d share it.



    I’m very lazy



    yeah sorry Shane,

    i’ve not mastered how to link fleabay yet.

    try going to this link then click the fleabay link there.




    You have to be registered to visit the Ford site.

    When viewing the fleabay item click on the link that says ’email to a friend’, when the next screen opens up click on the link that says ‘back to item description’ do not click back in your browser. A shortened version of the web address now appears in the address bar and this is what you use to copy/paste into your OBT post and can link as normal.

    If you do not do this the link won’t work :)

    The Ford/GT/Ute/GT optioned thing sounds boring! Sorry:(


    get back in your hairdressers suby and crank up your doof doof.:P :P :laugh: :laugh:



    yeah Moto, what he said!
    fleabay link here

    the seller ended the listing 3days early!?:S

    yeah my GS ute will be tame compared to your URABUS:blush:

    real cars have pushrods, carbys, three peddles on the floor and more HP than I.Q.:laugh:


    . ahar thanks for the ebay link tip moto! got it to work!;)



    Don’t you mean old cars have pushrods and Ford owners have more HP than IQ? Then again Ford lovers could ride a horse and have more horespower than IQ :P

    …….and my car has 3 pedals ;)



    Moto wrote:

    Don’t you mean old cars have pushrods and Ford owners have more HP than IQ? Then again Ford lovers could ride a horse and have more horespower than IQ :P

    …….and my car has 3 pedals ;)

    um, yer, but,oh, arrr, mmm year well riding my gelding would still have more balls than………

    yep i got no comeback:huh:


    three pedals moto, you mean three petals:P :P

    thier functions are…. go, stop and blow wave



    I like GT ute ads…but I’d hardly call this boke adamant that his was genuine…after all he went to the trouble of quoting the compliance plate codes (which I couldn’tbe arsed looking up but did notice he didn’t quote a JG33 anywhere!)

    And moto, if the motor’s sideways…it’s a haridresser’s car. No question!



    Well, it’s a boxer engine so does that still count as tranversely mounted? The pistons move sideways :P


    Bruce Curtis

    The Ford GT series is our equivalent of the pommie Cooper S, in it’s day it was a firebreathing ball-tearing Mans’ car. the one car that stood out above the others. While the power is fairly Ho-Hum for some of todays standards, it still went down the 1/4 at good pace and pushed its’ bricklike shape to 140+ MPH in factory trim there is nothing equivalent today not even close in terms of Dominance.

    Running motors from 289CI to one 460 (so I have been assurred by someone who really really knows) the pinnacle was the 351 cubic inch Cleveland motored complete with 4V heads and Tri-Rail Top loader and Detroit locker 9″ differential, the GTHO Phase III.
    There where a few Phase IVs escaped but most parts ended up in the RPO83 option of the XA series of cars.

    Personally I have seen a HO optioned 1971 Fairlane that was sold as scrap, but didn’t make it a GT, just High Output optioned.




    Mr Blue wrote:

    The Ford GT series is our equivalent of the pommie Cooper S, in it’s day it was a firebreathing ball-tearing Mans’ car. the one car that stood out above the others.

    Your understanding of the Cooper S in Pommie history must be somehwat scewed Mr. Blue :ohmy:

    Mini Cooper S – Firebreathing mans car smiley-laughing021.gif



    Im pretty sure that Bently and RR made some supercharged motors that would eat any USA made boatanchor
    RR merlin started out at the start of ww2 @ 980hp by the end it was over 2600hp hydralic throttle was fitted if you gunned a fighter plane the prop would stay at the same speed but would start to rotate whole plane not good close to the ground thats a real pomy motor not some toy car also ever herd of a Lotus mr blue put a Lotus 7 Vs GTHO the 7 would drive rings around them :huh:


    Bruce Curtis

    I am putting it in terms of reference, a Mass prduced everyday car that was tweaked by the factory to be a Gran tourismo, not a designed from the ground up elitist vehicle.

    Of course there where and still are “sports cars” that are better, built on a specialist platform, not a mass produced family sedan platform.

    What else did the brits have like that then Mr Myoto? Cortina Gts, Vauxhall viva S, Consul V6?

    Don’t say Jaguar, different league of sedan, purpose built, anyway the “HO” ate them alive as well.


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