I didn’t change my oil today.

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This topic contains 53 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 15 years, 9 months ago.

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    I didn’t change my oil today because…I managed to do this to the sump plug!

    First off I rounded it with the ring spanner…then thought “I’ll try the open ended!”

    Then figured the multigrips would grip it and get it out (Its bugger by this stage anyway!)

    Then thought I’d have to try the multigrips when the motor was hot!!!

    No dice sunshine!

    Any ideas? It’s an alloy jobbie which I suppose is why the multigrips won’t. It’s lasted 7 years which is longer than I thought it would last!

    Oh! And getting it out is going to be the easy bit! After that I have to find a new one!!!:laugh:

    (I’m thinking a big ezy-out?)



    Hammer and (blunt) chisel. Worked for mine :)



    Sounds like you had better get a few rumski’s for TB’s impending visit :laugh:


    Eric Smith

    I suggest you should have stopped trying earlier! B)

    Maybe a single hex socket can still get it? (Six faces only in the socket.) Otherwise maybe a stilsons (pipe wrench) or drill a hole through the head, insert a rod as a lever and turn it out that way (like some blokes do to car oil filters!).

    Would more beer help?:laugh:


    Bruce Curtis

    I suugest you get a “metrinch” socket onto that, they grip on the flats not the corners and have seen much worse than that easily undone by them, have a look at your local decent tool suppiers.
    Hammer and Cold chisel etc runs the risk of damage to the cases, and easy outs are absolute last resort IMO



    My mate did the same to his cam chain tensioner the other week and it just seemed to strip like a millionaire heiress after his first miss. I suggested he take it to a fitter and get them to get it out before he did anymore damage :)

    I changed my oil yesterday and had a “moment” tightening it back up as it seemed to get tight and then too easy and I thought I’d stripped it! I backed it out cleaned the thread and then gently tightened it again without drama but I did notice a few goosebumps and had to wipe the sweaty palms!

    I got ambushed and haven’t managed to get my brakes done yet but I figure that’s easier to do during the week.



    ECKS-Man wrote:

    Would more beer help?:laugh:

    That’s mean! I bet he has no beer left and no skin on his knuckles!



    Working Friday Shane? can do a house call early, have just the tool for that, what size was it?



    Mick D

    Trailboss wrote:

    Working Friday Shane? can do a house call early, have just the tool for that, what size was it?


    Hey TB,if you do the job for Shane,hows about a tutorial on how you did it? mIght help someone else in the future.



    Just drill it out and bang a cat bolt in works for me:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Mick D

    Chicken wrote:

    Just drill it out and bang a cat bolt in works for me:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Only an XR would handle that sort of treatment.:laugh:



    what are you on about

    In my shed that bolt isnt destroyed yet it is mearly scratched,
    I would go with the multigrip system and if that slips. whack the crap out of it with the other mention method, chisel and big hammer.If that doesnt work get a bigger hammer.

    :laugh: :S



    Chicken wrote:

    Just drill it out and bang a cat bolt in works for me:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Some of Chicken’s best work




    Well, I managed to get this far without beer would you believe it? Had a look for six sided sockets but had none of the bastards hence resorting to the vice grips.

    After a bit of a sit down I went back t it with the vice grips only to make those edges smoother.

    I don’t think an ezi-out will do, there’s a mesh screen behind that nut.

    What tool do you have for that job TB?



    Some quality 6 side sockets, and some special half size sockets, very trick


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