Motocool, what is it ?

Home Forums General Bike Talk Motocool, what is it ?

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    I have been building Motors and tuning them for years, and when KTM Bull first started on this cooling system I was in no way going to have anything to do with it as I was sure manufacturers had spent Millions developing and researching cooling systems, after months of Bulls patient explaining to this stubborn one, I decided to try it and we did with a KTM Pro senior 50, I have now helped him do several, and together we have found and the gains to be had are great, less wear, more power, more torque, more economy.
    Bull was not happy with that and started on to the KTM 65, which was another successful project and I ran that motor for more than a season (with my son getting podiums nearly every week, so it was used properly) and it did not use a set of Piston/rings/bearings all that time.
    I am also aware of a cooling system modification that Bull has for all KTM 520/525 Models (2000-2007) as well as KX 65, KX85, RM 85 and of course he has also done yamahas, a yz250f wasnt it Bull, I think I recall a KDX 200 getting look at,….

    Anyway I will say the reliability and power to be had are worth investigation at the least



    so can there be any more explanation entered into?

    at least are you able to tell us if it can it be applied to any water cooled bike?



    Bull will help you out there Mate with more details, I am sure, and yes it is more than likely applicable to any of the water cooled bikes, it all comes back to the bikes inefficiencies and once tested they show themselves up thats for sure……there is not one tested I have witnessed that is good in standard trim and once modified, its a different story
    Speak to Bull.


    Bruce Curtis

    Ok I’ve been waiting patiently for further info, but….. so come on you Orange laddies spill the beans ;)

    Unless it’s a trade secret that is, the most I’ve got to is two2cool, which seems to help.




    Yep, agreed. Post up what the hell you’re talking about or we’ll detonate this thread and delte your account Dave :laugh:

    Nah, I’m interested to hear about this, your initial post doesn’t explain anything though. What is it? I’m sure you can answer that without going into the technicalities….



    It is a way of equalizing the fluid to pressure change therefore allowing a constant thermal exchange rate, ….usually more efficiently than the vast sliding scale differences and thermal ineffectiveness of the standard set up, thats it in a nut shell,


    I am not the Man to ask, I am just the recipient of said technology and can say yes it works , Ask KTMBull, about the thing it is his Work that has done this for three of my bikes so far, and more as funds permit:)



    Moto & Dave I have deleted most of your crap in the thread, please read

    Moto your a moderator! Dave, Moto’s and Blue are right people have sat on this long enough get Bull’s explanation



    Admin wrote:

    Moto & Dave I have deleted most of your crap in the thread, please read

    Moto your a moderator! Dave, Moto’s and Blue are right people have sat on this long enough get Bull’s explanation

    Sorry Admin about the dribble, it was in wee am hours, but as far as people sitting on this long enough, well get in touch with Bull as I said, I am just a user of the technology


    Bruce Curtis

    So is Bull been about yet to answer our qweeries:P

    most interested in this modification while I’ve got the weerzard in bits this week.




    Check ya Pm Blue:)



    Ktmrat wrote:

    Check ya Pm Blue:)

    Why PM, you have put it out there Dave and now we are sending PMs are you sending one to everyone that has read this thread?????

    Come on




    Hey TB Dont be Paranoid Mate

    Here is a cut and paste of what I said….nothing to hide….was trying to just not dribble on the forum…but you asked for it so here is the PM

    Bruce Bull is incommunicado at the moment, he has no phone line active at the minute and I think it is going to be another week or so before he is back on line, your bike would have to have an analysis done to it before any mods could be formulated and the the implementing would be done on the size of the space available, what I am saying is the proto type could not be done the first time around at your house over the net so dont wait , put the bike back together and do it later after meeting and talking to Bull, I will be seeing him tomorrow, what is your year model and size bike you are thinking about doing and I will have a chat to him and email you tomorrow night, See ya

    Happy Now Esmay;) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I will even post the follow up if you want it



    No not really Dave because what will it do? Or how does it work as opposed to my normal cooling system that also does the job now without any problem?




    I thought like that as well TB at one stage and the thinking is sound, the machines perform, but ask yourself do you really know the data….like what temperature does your system actually run at and are there heat differences through out the system, what vacuum does the impeller draw on the fluid, what flow rate does the fluid move at, once you have all that data you can then see if any areas are deficient or ineffective and address the things to fix said problem areas, until you have data it is all faith in manufacturers set ups and experience of machine longevity through use, which is the confusing part, the machines work, for sure no arguments there, but and here is the BUT, are the machines working the best you can possibly get them, well TB I can tell you there is not one cooling system diagnostic session I have seen with my own eyes where the manufacturers have got it right, all so far are in need of fixing to get perfection…..and thats the thing are you chasing perfection or are you able to accept that good enough gets the job done.
    TB, My boys race machines have all been converted but my own Betty is still in standard trim, funds permitting mine will be next;) :)


    Bruce Curtis

    Ok so far this is very sound, internal combustion dynamics 101, 90-95% of your potential energy is lost into heat, either through exhaust or inefficiencies in the cooling system. Which is why machines have localised failures due to “hotspots” as i call them. If you blokes have worked out a way to overcome some of this, you probably should get your asses into gear and patent it (after you help us of course:laugh: 0 and reap the fruits of your labours.


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