Moto signing off……

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    Boys and girls of OBT, this may be my last post for a while and I won’t be casting my watchful eye over you peeps for a little while as I have to go away (yes the men with jackets are waiting outside for me).

    Be nice to TB and Mick and try not to crash the site again. As mentioned in the other thread TB has now taken over the Pivot Pegz deal so all enquiries need to go to him. Please be patient he’s busy with work at his wheel dealership and I think he might have to do some odd jobs for Cummins here and there too. He is a mole.

    If I can get online in the next month or so I will, otherwise I bid you adieu!



    Mick D

    Where are you going??



    Trinidad & Tobago


    Mick D

    Are you going to South Beach in Miami?? If so, go to the Mango Cafe,it goes off,I had a ball there.



    I don’t know if I’ll get to South Beach, it would be nice. I’ve been there before but I was a little nipper and don’t remember all that much.


    Mick D

    Do you realise you have posted twice since saying it is your last post for a while??? LOL



    Has he gone, he has rang me and I explained no one likes him or will in anyway shape or form miss him :laugh:

    Stay in touch mate



    Tobago is my most favorite place in the world,, sailed there a few years ago,, robinson crusoe island,, the best (and really cheap) rum and good bee,, ice cold carib lager,,aahhh memories


    Bruce Curtis

    Ahh Moto the International Man of ???? Mystery??
    Maybe morelike an International man of Misery :P

    Have fun stay safe and don’t touch anything you wouldn’t at home.
    And remember they may look like Girls but it isn’t guaranteed they started off that way…:P




    Is it work related, has immagration finally caught up with you or are you going to visit all of your love children.

    Either way mate, stay safe and enjoy yourself.

    See you when you return home.



    oooh oooh Moto is still online!

    hey have we started a shopping list thread yet!?!?!?!?

    can you stop by Bill Blue’s and pick up a few bigbore kits.

    and some wreckers and grab a hand full of 9″ diffs.

    drop by the H/D HQ and bulk deal some 110 ci twin spark donks.

    and call into Revtec and check out their X4 for me.

    thanks moto. mate buddy pal.:kiss:

    we will miss you.

    no one to hang excrement on!:woohoo: :P



    Hey mata hope you have a safe holly,

    Ps , mate would you be able to help me out and juat carry my boogie board through customs for me, me cousin will meet you on the other side.

    Stay safe MOTO and bring back pressies..:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :blink:


    Bruce Curtis

    Actually Boony we’ll make it a sweeter deal for Moto, cause I’ve got a couple of cousins that’ll meet him after the sentencing on the “inside”.

    Plenty of soap games to be had.



    moto, please dont try taking on the locals wherever you go….

    i wont be there to watch your back……you old soak:laugh: :laugh:

    have a good trip and bring me back some swine flu, or the next animal they decide to blame the flu on….

    if boony gets sick we will know its goat flu:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    menace wrote:

    moto, please dont try taking on the locals wherever you go….

    i wont be there to watch your back……you old soak:laugh: :laugh:

    have a good trip and bring me back some swine flu, or the next animal they decide to blame the flu on….

    if boony gets sick we will know its goat flu:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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