People are funny!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  shane 15 years, 8 months ago.

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    And I’m not sure which funny I mean – but I think it’s a fair share of each in this case only the haha funny is at their expense.

    I own a unit down in Surry Hills that I occasionally rent out and on the weekend my wife and I were down there and put some flyers around advertising it. I’ve owned it a few years now and normally I just get away with putting an a4 page in the building lobby and its filled by the next week. This time it seems that some funny bugger keeps ripping my ad down so I put it behind the glass and then they put a blank page in front of it to block it :angry: I guess they must have a unit advertised and that’s how they deal with the competition since I know the super and he’s fine with me putting the notice up.

    So anyone who knows Sydney knows Surry hills is full of funny buggers. What’s interesting is that I reckon most of the other funny buggers that I’m coming across at the moment aren’t necessarily from there! On Sunday we moseyed on down to Central to put some ads up on notice boards – at this stage I was carpet tongued from the night before celebrating a mate’s birthday in Newtown, so my wife was putting the notices up while I stood closely by trying to survive. Now most will tell you she is a fit looking thing in her late 20s – my mother on the other hand is a lovely lady but closer to 60. How is this relevant you may well ask? Well since we live in Newcastle and my mother Sydney, we put my mother’s name and contact number on the ad but the bonehead who sent her a text saying they’d “take the unit if she came with it” doesn’t know that now does he! :D I told her she should go down there with dad and pick up the bond in person but after thinking on it a bit more I figured that since they’re interested in living in Surry hills they might still be interested in fulfilling their proposition! :silly:

    The other lot of funny buggers are the ones that keep emailing and texting saying “I will take the unit and pay $xyz all inclusive, tell me the address and meet me today at 2pm” and they’re demeanour strikes me as much as the fact that they’re “informing” me that they’ll pay something around 20% less than what we receive and are asking for. The standard response for them is “the address is Matthew Talbot Hostel Level 18, 456 Kent Street, Sydney, 2000 see you there”

    I never mind a good haggle when it’s called for but what are these people thinking? :ohmy:


    yep, the worlds full of trippers mate, it wakes all sorts:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    I’ve worked for a time in Newtown and am well aware of the type of ‘funny buggers’ that haunt that place.

    I maintain it’s a direct result of the mental health boofheads failing to lock up the nutters who as a result end up in places like Talbot House and walking the streets (shudder).

    I can’t explain the younger ‘funny buggers’ of today…maybes it’s Coke and fast food???

    Here’s my ‘funny bugger’ story for today. I pick my kids up from a railway station after school. I get there, park in a space and wait for the train. Trouble is, most of the other parents don’t feel they need to park in a space, instead choosing to line up in the centre of the carpark while they load their little brats. I then have to wait while they all move off before I can get out. So, today I just started reversing. There’s mud and crap all over my old ute and it’s quite difficult to see out the back see? :woohoo: so this belter in a nice new Audi beeped their horn. So I went back a little bit more…and they beeped a little bit more. This went on until I got to the point that I couldn’t afford!:S I think next time I might just park up at the exit and get out and walk away:P . I can be a ‘funny bugger’ too!

    Funny buggers indeed!


    shane_vor wrote:

    I’ve worked for a time in Newtown and am well aware of the type of ‘funny buggers’ that haunt that place.

    I maintain it’s a direct result of the mental health boofheads failing to lock up the nutters who as a result end up in places like Talbot House and walking the streets (shudder).

    I can’t explain the younger ‘funny buggers’ of today…maybes it’s Coke and fast food???

    Funny buggers indeed!

    Maybe they just snorted too many kittens as kids:laugh:



    There are never too many kittens!

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