new laptop. any advice

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    it’s time for racytracy to get a laptop pooter. i’m hogging mine

    she wants to use it for some work stuff and looking at obt and other quality internet offerings.

    any advice on what to get? (not what to look up)



    Toshiba or Lenovo Champo, should be some good new financial year sales going at the moment ;)



    don’t get a Dell. They are crap.



    racy was considering Asus or Dell, but only Dell because there is a good deal at the moment.



    chris72a wrote:

    Toshiba or Lenovo Champo, should be some good new financial year sales going at the moment ;)

    Yeap have to agree with chris. Cannot go past Toshiba for quality. I have not used Lenovo but I have only read good things about them, they are very popular throughout europe.


    bob kidd

    hey champo i,ve got two asus laptops one is 1GB other one is three GB,s very happy with both my boss who is a pooter nerd told me to buy one with dedicated graphics card as it uses memory if it does,nt i don,t understand any of it but i took his advice



    Dell are on special at the moment because they are crap. I only bought my Dell last week for the wife to use on face book and it won’t even play they basic game she likes so I now have a Dell and she has the 12 month old compaq. The Dell wasn’t a low end entry model either but it apparently has a older graphics card than the compaq as Dell put in all their old components into laptops as they knew their would be a rush on laptops B4 june 30 as punters wanted to get the tax benefits. Basicly Dell at the moment are crap.



    Uncle Fester wrote:

    don’t get a Dell. They are crap.




    Everyone of the 4 laptops I use are Dell, not through choice but its worked out that way Chris once said to me that Dell business laptops are ok and none of mine have missed a beat




    blue450 wrote:

    Uncle Fester wrote:

    don’t get a Dell. They are crap.


    It is probably like anything you can buy, their are good and bad in all items but I researched computers B4 I bought mine and heard all the good things about Dell. All I am saying at the moment Dell computers have a lot of old components in them at the moment and you don’t know until you open the box and find out it don’t do what you want it to do.



    Trailboss wrote:

    Everyone of the 4 laptops I use are Dell, not through choice but its worked out that way Chris once said to me that Dell business laptops are ok and none of mine have missed a beat


    Is this why squirrel has so many IP addresses!!!!



    blue450 wrote:

    Trailboss wrote:

    Everyone of the 4 laptops I use are Dell, not through choice but its worked out that way Chris once said to me that Dell business laptops are ok and none of mine have missed a beat


    Is this why squirrel has so many IP addresses!!!!

    Good try but all the computers go through the one wireless modem which means only one IP address :(




    i bought an asus when my hp died and i lost 6 months worth of work. (stupid me i know).
    at the time (about 4 years ago) asus was not very well known by the general public. so their $3600 dollar lap tops were not selling well. so they decided to sell that model for a little over $2000 to get the public to try them out. i bought one and can’t kill it. it often operates for hours insulated in a blanket and still won’t die. and it rides to work with me.

    i also needed a laptop that i can plug into tvs and data projectors for presentations. this asus is designed for this. it also handles cad well. i have not tried it out on games though.

    i have heard that the quality of lap tops have declined over the years to be more price competative. i have also heard a few years ago that tosibas are tough. not tonka tough, just tougher than average.



    Trailboss wrote:

    Everyone of the 4 laptops I use are Dell, not through choice but its worked out that way Chris once said to me that Dell business laptops are ok and none of mine have missed a beat


    TB out of interest what model Dells do you use



    blue450 wrote:

    Trailboss wrote:

    Everyone of the 4 laptops I use are Dell, not through choice but its worked out that way Chris once said to me that Dell business laptops are ok and none of mine have missed a beat


    TB out of interest what model Dells do you use

    Three Latitude D620’s

    One Latitude D600

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