Last night I went over to a mates, he shall remain nameless for the time being
OK so we had some rums and a nice dinner prepared by his wife and then desert, so the kids are getting this out and that out and all of a sudden my mate cooks a piece of toast and gives it to the smallest kid. I watch puzzled as the kid starts to scoop ice cream into the same bowl as the toast, I yell “WHATS DOING THERE” My thrifty friend says its the same as waffles, now I beg to differ, toast is toast, waffles are waffles, different, he says “for the cost of a box of waffles we can have loafs and loafs of bread”
I gave the kids $10 and told them to buy a couple of boxes of waffles, he was last seen telling the kids with that $10 they could get enough bread for a month :blush:
Tight arse :laugh:
Has anybody else done this or do this?