Project Motard DRZ400

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This topic contains 206 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 15 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hey everyone,

    Thanks to everyone’s comments regarding my new bike on the other thread. To clear a couple of things up:

    1. The WR-R will be purely for bush and the DR will be purely for road. There’s no way that I could handle a 400 in the bush. Have you seen my little girl arms? :laugh:

    2. No this is my last bike purchase ever ( :laugh: ). Seriously. I am happy with WR-R and am not interested in getting rid of it because I am so happy with it and as long as this is the case with the DR then why would I get rid of it?

    I have started this thread so that you know what is going to be done to it. I am so excited about it because I know that the bike that I’ll end up with is nothing like the bike it is now. I only had one go of it because I am waiting for the finished product but it was great. I have never ridden an actual motard bike before so I am not sure what it will be like but from everything that I have read they are really, really fun.

    The first thing will be to get the wheels which I am hoping to get from a guy in Perth. Using the trusty old bull network I may be able to get them shipped to me. Hopefully it works out.

    The aim for the end result is a very blingy bike.

    I am hoping that the whole project will not take too long because from the list that we have put together mostly everything can just be purchased off the shelf. The sticker kit will have to be made so that might take a bit but hopefully not too long. I am a very impatient person so I’ll make sure that it proceeds without delay.

    I have to thank Wikdbeemer because he has been messaging me with some parts that he has left over from his DR. I would love to see a photo of yours Paul if you have one to share.

    Also if you have any ideas about what modifications we should make, make sure you put a post on.

    One of the things I am interested to hear some info on is if anyone has heard of DR’s being fitted with pillion pegs. Minor issue I know but I really want to make sure that I can double DanD around if I want to :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: . Nah just kidding it will be his bike as well but I get first preference at riding.

    Here are the photo’s of it again:





    I have a list of all the things that we are going to do to it so I will post that up in the next couple of days.

    It’s just so exciting!



    I can’t stop smiling at this project Kylie & I can’t wait to see the final product! (it may even give me some ideas too….!)
    Or at least I should get out on the NX a bit more!

    This will definitely keep you smiling!!!!



    Racy Tracy wrote:

    I can’t stop smiling at this project Kylie & I can’t wait to see the final product! (it may even give me some ideas too….!)
    Or at least I should get out on the NX a bit more!

    This will definitely keep you smiling!!!!

    I’m even more excited now Tracy because Mal5.1 is even talking about track days. Can you imagine that? I reckon it would be so fun.



    Well the wheels are now sorted. I have bought them on Ebay and just need to get them sent from Perth but as I mentioned the old bull network is trying to help me out there.

    Here’s the blingy wheels:




    track days

    i’ll put the trail tyres you gave us on the ttr230 and see you there.

    well on the start line at least.

    but then again, maybe i can catch back up in chacain (sorry my french is not that good. it actually makes my engalish look good)

    champo (the wishfull thinking trackday one)



    KylieD wrote:

    The transport details have been sorted Kylie I just need you ring me tomorrow so I can give you the details that need to be put on the package




    champo35 wrote:

    track days

    i’ll put the trail tyres you gave us on the ttr230 and see you there.

    well on the start line at least.

    but then again, maybe i can catch back up in chacain (sorry my french is not that good. it actually makes my engalish look good)

    champo (the wishfull thinking trackday one)

    Nah just buy some slicks (I think they call them that) for the TTR230 and then try it.



    Now there’s a thought!!!!……



    Tracy should you want a set of Motard style wheels for your bike for road use I could get you a deal for a set and then you could just swap them for road riding




    KylieD wrote:

    sounds like you did find that gold nugget in nundle the other week,,,lol new bike, motar wheels, all a full set of brand new riding nylons…



    Boony wrote:
    sounds like you did find that gold nugget in nundle the other week,,,lol new bike, motar wheels, all a full set of brand new riding nylons…[/quote]

    Nah nothing like that Boony – We will just own our house in about 1000 years :blink: the way things are going.



    KylieD wrote:

    Sweet looking setup Kylie. Good price too.

    You wont need slicks if you do track days. Those pilots are plenty sticky. The 600 Supersport guys have to race on them I think.



    They are nice looking wheels Kylie, they will look heaps better than mine did…





    You should get some carbon fibre bling for it Kylie, black is mean, remember our little conversation about that :laugh: It will look sweet with the motard set-up going on…bagsy a go!

    PS – I added the pics to your post above and changed your link, hope that’s okay :)



    This one has gold rims and white front guard, your’s will look better than that I reckon :)


    It looks better with the exhaust guard removed, cleaner lines, you can even get a tan on your right leg :P

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