In search of Deadmans Gulch Road

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    Recently, in ADVRider there had been discussion around the upgrading of Nerriga Road ( and the best ways to the coast that would involve some dirt. During the discussion a question arose around a track called ‘Deadmans Gulch Road’ so with Lewy on holidays and my DR’s starter now firing we decided to head out on Wednesday for a look see.

    Ok, so usually my reports are lengthy and all with heaps of pics, but this one will be short and sweet with few pics so here goes.

    After meeting Greg at his place it was a strop south along the highway with the first plan being to find this ‘deadmans gulch roa’ and see where it took us.

    So from Milton we headed bush with a stop here or there..



    Eventually we went past Yadboro before stopping at another intersection as we became even more convinced that the road, if found woudl go nowhere as the cliffs were, well imposing and looking very impassable. ;D

    So, while here a friendly local came along to offer advice and while he gave us plenty of help with walking tracks and other roads, he had never heard of deadmans gulch road which kind of made our doubts grow. But a quick check of Greg’s GPS while chatting led us to believe that the track/road existed back at Yadboror and the local did mention a track that was there, only to say it was gated and the landholder was ‘not friendly’ (well he used harsher words than that – I kid you not).

    So, it was back to Yadboro searching for the track and lo and behold we found it, followed it only to be stopped in our tracks.



    So, heading back the way we came we made our way back to Milton, leaving many a mark on the road on the way – I mean, it was a good surface and great day so why not enjoy it right? :D

    Once at Miltone we headed north, made a wrong turn which had some awesome views.



    Of course, with a wrong turn that ended in a deadend, what goes up, must come down and the pics do tell the story of how steep the road was so we decided to roll as far as we could and safe to say it was a distance of around 2 or so kilometres before we hit the dirt and restarted the motors.

    Eventually we found the right road and headed towards the true track we were after which will remain nameless due to ‘issues’, but again the road had some spectacular sights.


    Just up the road was an awesome little rock that we both rode into for pics (Greg has them) before we continued up the hill, to the lookout and then onto the track that shall remain nameless, but was great fun.

    Pic courtesy of Greg – the garage.

    Eventually we re-emerged amongst the construction zone on Nerriga road, much to teh surprise of teh road workers as we walked the bikes down their freshly dug vertical bank to be met by a passing escort vehicle, headed to Nowra and off home.

    A good ride, my first in ages which I enjoyed and will do again.



    Dwayne O

    Good to see you at it again mate,,,
    You have been pretty quiet lately :huh:

    Nice pics , as usual,,,,,,
    Wish I lived down that way, as I would enjoy the cruisy runs, exploring new trails too :)



    Mick D

    I’d be dubious of going to a place called Deadman’s gulch.LOL Nice pics, looks like a nice place for a cruisy ride and explore.



    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Good to see you at it again mate,,,
    You have been pretty quiet lately :huh:

    Nice pics , as usual,,,,,,
    Wish I lived down that way, as I would enjoy the cruisy runs, exploring new trails too :)


    Thanks Eagle,

    Yeah it has been a while and not to sure why apart from laziness and cold, although the need to find owrk has probably played a part as well, then the bloody bike started to play up so one thing, then another and before I knew it months had passed.

    But this was a damn nice little area that I don’t get to enough and thet rack out was heaps fun with some large erosion mounds and after a wrong turn we emerged into the middle of a road construction zone in a closed area (closed as in publicly accessible under escort). The looks on their faces were priceless as we walked the bikes down a 5 foot near vertical bank to get to teh road (the works has cut the track off).

    But now will be getting out there again hopefully as the weather warms up, the bike works and I have a new helmet cam to play with :)




    micknmeld wrote:

    I’d be dubious of going to a place called Deadman’s gulch.LOL Nice pics, looks like a nice place for a cruisy ride and explore.

    I went to The Devils Gullet in TAS, that was amazing.
    Wind rushing up through the gorge to the V shaped lookout at the top so all the wind is concentrated in the wedge shape of the lookout (very high too).
    I swear if anyone jumped off there they would fly right back up and land behind where they jumped off.

    Nice ride Gco, it’s good for your health to get out more often :)

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