Good Luck TB

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    With TB’s upcoming shoulder operation, I reckon it’s the right thing for all of us Old Bulls to wish our mate the best of luck and a speedy recovery.

    For if it wasn’t for TB’s commitment to Old Bulls we would’nt be here.

    So let me be the first to wish you all the best mate, heres to a speedy recovery and you will be back on the bike in no time at all.

    Make sure to do all the excercise and whatever else the doctor orders. You will be back on the bike before you know it and faster than ever.

    What chance will any of us have keeping up with you then? :huh:

    Shake and Bake buddy Shake and Bake :)


    Dwayne O

    No arguement here from me !!!

    All the Best TB, Good Luck, you will be fine I`m sure ;)
    As Dan said, do as you are told by the specialists & you will be GOOD AS GOLD 😆



    simon burke

    Yeah good luck TB u big unit.Hope you get a cracker of a nurse or two :kiss:
    Give me a call when you get out,i’ll come down and give you an arm wrestle…may be the only time i will get to beat you :cheer:

    Hope everything goes well.

    Bol :woohoo:



    All the best with the Op big fella.When do you go in,, Bollocks and I could come down and give old mate a hand with the proceedure if you like :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Boony wrote:

    All the best with the Op big fella.When do you go in,, Bollocks and I could come down and give old mate a hand with the proceedure if you like :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    We actually want TB back on the Fiddy real soon you blokes !!!!
    What would we do without him around ????

    think about it ,,,,

    Good hey !!!

    It would be too quiet I think :blink:


    Mark Bunting

    Yeah best of luck TB. I happened to notice you let Dan borrow the NX while your not able to ride. Any chance of letting some of the OBT test ride the 6fiddy while you’re out of action :unsure:



    Boony wrote:

    When do you go in

    Friday morning this week

    kram140 wrote:

    Yeah best of luck TB. I happened to notice you let Dan borrow the NX while your not able to ride. Any chance of letting some of the OBT test ride the 6fiddy while you’re out of action :unsure:

    Umm I am waiting on Mick to come through and secure something for a special project for the fiddy, the fiddy is under going some special THINGS whilst I am laid up and some special testing

    Thanks for the wishes guys




    It comes up like this

    4 to 6 weeks of work

    3 to 6 months of the bike

    After 37 years of riding with only some broken bones i am more then happy




    after my second shoulder reconstruction i sold the yzwr and didn’t ride for 3 years. my sholder was a mess. it is as good as new now.

    but you have to do the time.

    you come hang out with mr merriman and keep him company



    champo35 wrote:

    after my second shoulder reconstruction i sold the yzwr and didn’t ride for 3 years. my sholder was a mess. it is as good as new now.

    but you have to do the time.

    you come hang out with mr merriman and keep him company

    Yeah cheers mate, the guy doing mine is a gun so lets see what happens, he also said it will be as good as new but it will hurt and I have to do the time.

    As for hanging out with Mr M nah I think I will leave him alone in his fish bowl ;)



    Bruce Curtis

    You’re right TB you are doing really well for 37 yrs of pushing the envelope the rest of us should be so lucky….., and shoulder reco is matter of fact these days, then you’ll be champing at the bit to get back on the BRP in it’s newfound guise.

    No luck needed just follow the recovery plan and you’ll be Steve Austin (without all that slow-mo crap).

    Get all your old Magazines out before the surgery and get for some serious reading.




    Thanks Blue, yeah I am as happy as I could be under the circumstances with all this, the surgeon who I am really lucky to have got into (but am paying for it :blink: ) tells me its only the people that are lazy dont get back to normal quickly and hard work will pay of.

    DVD’s, reading and my new PS3 will be the go for a little while, but as I mentioned there is project XR and two other major projects to keep me busy ;)

    Thanks again for all the positive thoughts and comments




    All the best TB ;)



    From watching Champo through 2 shoulder reconstructions, patience & determiniation will become your 2 new best friends TB!

    Sit tight, do as your told & give Salina the keys to your bike locks so she can hide them & all will be sweet! (You don’t want to be tempted for “just a little ride” a bit too early!)

    All will be great & we will see you on the bike in no time!

    Good luck for Friday! :)




    Racy Tracy wrote:

    From watching Champo through 2 shoulder reconstructions, patience & determiniation will become your 2 new best friends TB!

    Sit tight, do as your told & give Salina the keys to your bike locks so she can hide them & all will be sweet! (You don’t want to be tempted for “just a little ride” a bit too early!)

    All will be great & we will see you on the bike in no time!

    Good luck for Friday! :)


    The bike thing is taken care of Tracy – the temptation is only 2 hours away.

    Well at least one of the temptations is.

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