The Boy’s Done It Again

This topic contains 25 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 15 years, 2 months ago.

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    I was packing the Ford Territory and me son was playing on the front seat. I looked up and he was putting coins in the cd player. Not sure how many went in but i know theres at least three.

    Does anyone know how to get the centre dash off so i can get the dvd player out. The centre console is exactly the same as falcons.

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated as i cant/wont play cd’s at the moment.


    Adrian Lee

    Just press eject mate :woohoo:



    aido wrote:

    Just press eject mate :woohoo:

    tried that but the cd is jammed in there as well.

    Good point though captain f*#cking obvious. :laugh: :laugh:


    aido wrote:

    Just press eject mate :woohoo:

    ABSOLUTE GOLD AIDO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Hey Jak, maybe you shoulda posted in the Tech thread to keep the riff raff out :unsure:

    try here Barra icc removal

    it’s taken me an hour to find it! :angry:

    you’d reckon it would have been a Q? lots would have asked, but only a hand full :huh:

    it’s a pain to get at the head unit in the BA onwards, i tried just to access the under side of the auto shift leaver cover/ indicator panel

    needless to say i had some screws left over :dry:

    but this manual would have been a BIG help!



    Your the man xy, love ya work. ;)

    It’s easy when you know how. From past experience i know that a panel will come off somewhere but if you dont pick the right one you crack plastic.

    Now the next problem for you xy is my flux capacitator, does the stator screw in clock wise or anti when trying the inverted conversion from rtzx102 to rtzx103 ? :laugh:



    when trying the inverted conversion from rtzx102 to rtzx103

    it is much more simple and straight forward than that

    you bypass it with a 3 gage wire jumper using fumble junx patented connectors and 4 size 2.33 zip ties coated in Carnauba wax mixed with 0.07823% goanna oil ;)

    but you have to get the ratio of wax to goanna oil precise otherwise you may as well just go back to the future and buy a new one or even upgrade it for the suay214

    . :woohoo: :blink: :silly: 😆 :cheer: :laugh: :P :P :P



    haha aido…or press the coin return button :laugh: :laugh:



    i’m sorry but this is too funny not to have my say. my sisters kids put money into her cd player last year but it shorted it out and she hd to get a new one so good luck with yours it’s probably beyond it :woohoo:



    Thanks for your support fellas, I was hoping for just a little bit more sympathy than i’m getting right now.



    At the hillend pub you get three songs for two dollars :laugh: :laugh: Whats your Ford charge :huh:

    :P :P :laugh: :laugh: :P :P




    JAK wrote:

    Thanks for your support fellas, I was hoping for just a little bit more sympathy than i’m getting right now.

    seriously Jak i`m here for ya smiley-laughing001.gifmate no really I am smiley-laughing021.gifthinking of ya,,,how much does a ford cost for 2 songs smiley-laughing024.gif thats gold.



    i feel for ya Jak,

    i’ll send ya a money box for the young fella ;)

    oh and have you thought of driving up a steep bumpy hill? :blink:



    just buy one of these Jak,then theres no probs coin.jpg



    ok mate he’s the best idea gt the kids some little bikes to run around on then that will keep then outa the car and dont give then money especaily coind cuase lesson learnd if they cant spend then they end up in exspensive cd players

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