Happy Birthday Rat

This topic contains 15 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mark Bunting 15 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #97873


    Yeah happy birthday Rat



    Mick D

    Yeah Happy birthday. The Rat will be spending his birthday conducting a 65cc school at the HVMCC track today.



    Happy birthday Mr Rat.

    I hope you’re having the day off wor, that’s what birthdyas are for. :laugh:



    Bappy hirfday Rat

    heres cheers to a good one mate.

    Have a cold one when you finish the training school and enjoy YOUR day. :)




    Thanks Guys and yes I will enjoy today, I am doing something I love, teaching kids to ride bikes, just because its my birthday and you guys wished me a Happy one doesnt mean you are all immune to my teasing, I just give you all a reprieve……not :P :P :P :P :P



    Rats birthday well well well, woopdy f@#kin doo :P

    Happy Birthday you overgrown mouse, hope you have a good one mate :) :) :)

    Are rat years like dog years – how old are you now – 375?


    rat a tat tat, thanks for all your crap!! :laugh: :laugh:

    happy birthday davo you old diamond ;)



    Happy Birthday Rat and I hope you have a really enjoyable day!


    simon burke

    happy birthday rat…mmmm….looks tastey :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo: 142860481_e513c52781.jpg



    Dave the RAT!! happy Berfdy B) You KTMloving,mxschoolinstructing,1.2million km riding PDS denying,all or nothing, stacking in the best places,black betty manhandling,mechanics glove wearing,Tie down making,Flat tyre riding,rum drinking,tractor driving,puddles loving,body armour repairing,anti inflammatory drug taking, mechanical guru,greatest dad, ugly,bearded ranga and all round good guy.

    Have a great day mate B)


    PS I am sure this can be added to


    Bruce Curtis

    Hoppy Birfday Mr Rat,

    Many more to go yet.




    Happy birthday Rat.
    If I had known it was your birthday today.I would of made more of an effort to get a photo of you riding around on the red pig. the grin on your face was priceless. :laugh:



    Well thanks Guys again, I wanted to say what a choice day I had, Thanks for all the wishes, and here is a short reply to each,
    TB, thanks for the heartfelt starting of the thread in the first place, I can see you put heaps of planning and forethought into it, you are the MAN :P :P :P

    Mick, Yes mate I did indeed spend the day with the chilluns, and didnt we have fun, Taylor blew me away in that start stop race , one time there she almost had them whipped. B) B)

    Mal5.1, Every day is a play day for me I avoid work at all costs, the Birthday is an excuse to Play harder :laugh: :laugh:

    Boonster, Thanks for the cold one wish, but I was bad I have not had time yet, I will soon though ;)

    DanD, well lardie-F@#kenDa, and dog years and rat years are nothing alike you checky upstart, I’ll show you you know what if your not careful :unsure:

    Dennis the Menace, what can I say here but thanks for the entertainment from the get go you fat Bastard, you know I can just imagine you singing that, and its shitty singing, dont give up your day job :ohmy:

    KylieD, The only sensible one amongst us, Thanks mate and yes as you can tell it has been a long one but fun non the less :)

    Bollocks, Holy shit Batman what do you guys in the hills give for presents to ya Enemies, cakes with Rats ,that too much I am reporting you my friend…….I am dialing now….1800.WHO-GIVES-A-CRAP :huh:

    Ollie Schmollie, you have hidden talents there Mate, what is it exactly the Navy pays you for because they have it wrong , you could be doing better elsewhere, like editor for some cool mag about cool people writing cool stuff about things, that comment at the end, dont tempt the rabble …..Thanks I had a good one

    Mr Blue, Yes I sure do Hope I can have many more Hoppy Birfdays, but according DanD, I am a gazillion years old already, looking forward to meeting you Mate, soon soon, when the north coast series is there we will hook up ;) :)

    Puds, Puds Puds, why do you Bother mate, you know I would not ride a red beast with too much power for me to Handle, I have been begging you to show me some more stuff, dont hold back mate, you showed me the fall on head in stump hole routine, whats next :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: How am I ever going to be as good as you

    Thanks again to all and sundry and good tidings back to all of you, I have to go sleepies now as I am running another MX School tomorrow :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

    Those kisses were for you Puds


    Mick D

    Ktmrat wrote:

    Mick, Yes mate I did indeed spend the day with the chilluns, and didnt we have fun, Taylor blew me away in that start stop race , one time there she almost had them whipped. B) B)

    She almost made fools out of them in the start gates too!! :laugh: Thanks for a great day Dave.
    You looked right at home on my 6fiddy too. You’ll have to wait another year, untill your next birthday to get another ride though. ;)



    Ktmrat wrote:

    TB, thanks for the heartfelt starting of the thread in the first place, I can see you put heaps of planning and forethought into it, you are the MAN :P :P :P

    Hey knobwad I gave enough forethought to it to make sure the thread was started didnt I. I knew Mick was going to the track all day and he only looks or partakes in threads about him or have the name Wauchope or he starts :P (that’s for the ice cream ) :P I thought it shouldn’t slip under the radar because you are such a sensitive little possum. Next year I will write this “. .” hope you enjoy that instead :laugh:


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