A PDS Issue

This topic contains 22 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  John 15 years, 1 month ago.

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    Tuff as nails that bloke! :ohmy:






    Not a PDS problem just another KTM rider trying to show off!! bit of a surprised for him I bet



    If you have a look at freeze frame around the 7 to 8 secs just after he has been ejected you will see some parts flying off the rear of the bike , I think there has been a mechanical failure of some sort prior to the jump, this is of course no PDS problem, but a failure of some sort……..I suppose thats what happens when you go fast…..you dont really expect that to happen when you ride a banana like JAK :P :P :P :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


    Thats great play it 10 times still laughing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    its still not as funny as boony hiting that roo at nundle lol



    Ktmrat wrote:

    I think there has been a mechanical failure of some sort prior to the jump, this is of course no PDS problem, but a failure of some sort……..I suppose thats what happens when you go fast…..you dont really expect that to happen when you ride a banana like JAK :P :P :P :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    mechanical failure/failure of some sort. Would never happen to a DRZ.

    Last point you make Rat,is valid though, very hurtfull but valid :laugh:



    cycle tune wrote:

    its still not as funny as boony hiting that roo at nundle lol

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 your a funny man B)



    What a jump :woohoo:


    Ktmrat wrote:

    If you have a look at freeze frame around the 7 to 8 secs just after he has been ejected you will see some parts flying off the rear of the bike , I think there has been a mechanical failure of some sort prior to the jump, this is of course no PDS problem, but a failure of some sort……..I suppose thats what happens when you go fast…..you dont really expect that to happen when you ride a banana like JAK :P :P :P :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    Hahahaha, this response is nearly as funny as the video. The only thing flying off the bike is grass and the poor unsuspecting rider.

    Lets see how many other KTM riders can come up with a sad exuse.

    Personally unless I get a look at the face of that jump I’m just going to put this down to rider error.

    Although as for PDS I recently heard it is also responsible for global warming, ;)



    PDS (Pilot Disabling System) :P :P :P :P
    PDS (Pilot Deployment System) :P :woohoo: :P :woohoo:



    Uncle Fester wrote:

    PDS (Pilot Disabling System) :P :P :P :P

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Good one Fester



    mal5.1 wrote:

    Uncle Fester wrote:

    PDS (Pilot Disabling System) :P :P :P :P

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Good one Fester

    Pilot Disabling System on the Kick the Mother worked perfectly as per normal ending in enjoyment for the crowd :P


    JAK wrote:

    Ktmrat wrote:

    Would never happen to a DRZ.


    you may well be right there JAK, especially when you ride like old miss daisy on your emo black, enviro disaster waiting to happen, fuel tanker of a poosuki, with your knobbically challenged front tyre and boat anchor suspension package :P :P

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    watch the lip he hits at the top of the jump. the front bounces hard, and the back overtakes it…

    its plain and simple geometry, i have done exactly the same thing about 10 yrs ago…broke 4 bones…..
    and learned nothing from the experience :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    and i was riding a yamaha then :P :P :P

    oh, and, stick those apples, along with those dvds i promised, square up your clacker buddy :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :P

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