Harbour Bridge Climb

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Paul 15 years, 1 month ago.

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    Did the Bridge climb today for my daughters 13th birthday, I gotta say it was awesome and much more than I expected, I will post a pic as soon as I can get my scanner working..



    Hey Chris
    gotta admitt I enjoyed the Bridge thingy too
    did it years ago with Mal5.1 and Donna
    I can only imagine that your daughter would of been stoked
    It’ll be something that she’ll remember for some time
    Ya’s didnt climb it yesterday I hope ;)
    That wind was pretty full on :huh:



    I’ve done it twice now and enjoyed it both times.

    I did the tall ships cruise on the weekend and have to say it was quite dull though it might’ve been improved if we had so much as a breath of wind.



    I’ve climbed the bridge 2wice, but it was many many years ago, well before there was any thought of doing it as a legal and commercial operation.

    It was late at night both times and we had to swing ourselves around big steel spikes wrapped in barbed wire some 50mtrs above the roadway.
    Then once on top of the arch we had to climb through and over the rigging on the maintenance cranes that were there to get to the main stepped walkway on top of the main arch. Friggin scary it was and I could never do that now with my fear of heights.
    It was well worth the effort though, even though it was at night.
    The second time up we met some guys on top doing the same as us but they had started from the Southern end.

    We did it the hard way I have since learned.
    There was a much easier way of getting up through the inside of the inner arch and coming through a hatch at the top and then using the gantry ladders to the very top.
    I believe there was even a guest book inside the inner arch which people signed. That would be an interesting read.


    Dwayne O

    Yes the Bridgeclimb is an awsome day!!!
    I did it in the first month of its offocial opening years ago & we had were blessed with an awsome day weatherwise :) Always said I would go back when they started the Night tours,, but haven`t as yet :blink:

    How cool is all the stuff in the tunnel walls of the arch, old boot, newspapers, scraps of timber etc etc Apparetly there are a few suspected bodies in there somewhere too, some from accidents, others possibly foul play :blink: :unsure:

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