This topic contains 28 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jason Green 15 years ago.

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  • #98079


    Went along to see this show last night and can only be describes as awsome. :)
    While not one of the biggest production shows i’ve seen they more than made up for with their music. And as far as Melbourne girls go, i’ve got whip lash. Plenty not shy to get their jubblies out for the cameras and the big screen.

    Over eight hours later and me bloody ears are still ringing. :S :S :S


    Mick D

    We are going next monday night in Sydney. Believe it or not I am taking my mother in law. I showed my missus your post Jak and said I hope the mother inlaw can keep her boobs in her top.
    My young bloke over heard the conversation and pipes up ” Talk about CHUNDER STRUCK!!”


    JAK wrote:

    Over eight hours later and me bloody ears are still ringing. :S :S :S

    sounds more like the Missus was smacking you around for looking at too many “jubblies” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Some of the fashion you have to ask why? And some of the young girls I’m surprised got out of the house dressed the way they were. Black is in.

    Could be a bit embarrassing with the mother in law, Mick, if she decides to get into it when they sing “shes got the jack”. Why don’t you take the young bloke along and give him an education :woohoo:


    Mick D

    JAK wrote:

    Some of the fashion you have to ask why? And some of the young girls I’m surprised got out of the house dressed the way they were. Black is in.

    Could be a bit embarrassing with the mother in law, Mick, if she decides to get into it when they sing “shes got the jack”. Why don’t you take the young bloke along and give him an education :woohoo:

    He is the main reason we are going!!! He got the tickets for Xmas.



    micknmeld wrote:

    JAK wrote:

    Some of the fashion you have to ask why? And some of the young girls I’m surprised got out of the house dressed the way they were. Black is in.

    Could be a bit embarrassing with the mother in law, Mick, if she decides to get into it when they sing “shes got the jack”. Why don’t you take the young bloke along and give him an education :woohoo:

    He is the main reason we are going!!! He got the tickets for Xmas.

    It might be you getting the education. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P


    Mick D

    JAK wrote:

    micknmeld wrote:

    JAK wrote:

    Some of the fashion you have to ask why? And some of the young girls I’m surprised got out of the house dressed the way they were. Black is in.

    Could be a bit embarrassing with the mother in law, Mick, if she decides to get into it when they sing “shes got the jack”. Why don’t you take the young bloke along and give him an education :woohoo:

    He is the main reason we are going!!! He got the tickets for Xmas.

    It might be you getting the education. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P

    In my long and chequered past I have seen most things JAK :S Somethings I wouldn’t want to see again :X The older I get, the less WTF moments seem to come around.



    I’ll post up some pics tonight.



    Just a couple that turned out alright. This is early in the evening about 2 hours before ACDC started but gives you an idea of the crowd. The floor space was packed.




    Dwayne O

    What,,,,, pics of the “JUBBLIES”?????




    Nah no pics of jubblies. But they were shown on the big screens. There were four of them on and around the stage. Very clear too Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. One girl they kept going back to over about ten minutes wouldnt put her top back on. Shocking display of public nudity that should not be allowed.

    I dont beleive i just wrote that. Should have read- THERE SHOULD BE MORE OF IT


    Adrian Lee

    Did you get your puppies out bigfella :)



    aido wrote:

    Did you get your puppies out bigfella :)

    Kept em firmly in me boob tube. (black one of course) :laugh:


    JAK wrote:

    aido wrote:

    Did you get your puppies out bigfella :)

    Kept em firmly in me boob tube. (black one of course) :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    did you tape your nipples up JAK :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    I knew it wouldnt be long before that came out :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Its wrong so wrong make it stop please make it stop :laugh: :laugh:


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