Game on!!!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Craig Hatton 15 years ago.

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  • #98083

    Well it has started
    With only a few months before we leave for our 3 month sojourn to the wild west, thought I’d better start the preps
    New electric brakes were in order as the old ones rattled themselves to death on the last trip ;) :(
    Next on the list will be a solar panel to keep the fridge/freezer going
    Last trip I had to run the car every other day to keep the battery topped up
    Has anybody had anything to do with solar panels??? :unsure:
    I am looking on Ebay but the more one looks the more one gets confused
    Am thinking of 140-160 watter :unsure:


    Dwayne O

    My bro in Law sells solar gear amongst other things, he is based in Brisvegas but has a website called Custom Solutions Australia
    see here mate

    His name is Paul(electrical Engineer), wife is Cathy & tell them I referred you ;)
    You may be able to find cheaper (not sure) but they can definitely help you out with any info you need.


    Dwayne O

    As i said on Sunday Murph, Cathy is keen to help out wherever they can with your requirements mate ;)
    I contacted her the other night so she was wondering who referred you to them,

    Cheers & Good Luck


    Craig Hatton

    Hi Murph
    What size fridge are you trying to keep going, I have a 60 litre connected to a 85 amp deep cycle and an 85 watt panel keeps up with it no probs(approx 4 amps generated by Panel)
    Have a solar guy who can help you out in glass house mountains, his whole setup is alternate energy. I found him to be very helpfull and well priced aswell.

    cheers Hatto

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