Eags is on the back shift!!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dwayne O 15 years ago.

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  • #98096

    Dwayne O

    I am now on Dogwatch at work, starting tonight, so my time on here will be all over the place for a while till I get the Old Body Clock sorted out :laugh:
    Just incase some of you blokes try to cantact me during daylight hours, which is a rather common thing,,,sometimes,,, quite often really :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Mobile will be on while at work anyway if you feel the urge :blink:



    so beags if I can’t sleep I can ring you at 2am for a chat!!!


    Dwayne O

    chris72a wrote:

    so beags if I can’t sleep I can ring you at 2am for a chat!!!

    Whatever floats your boat :laugh:
    Might help pass the time, there are only 3 or us on the shift in a massive workshop :blink:

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