Riding with the girls

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Michelle Thickett 15 years ago.

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    Hi there,

    I’m new to Old Bull and have been riding for 2 years now and absolutely love it and love single tracks!

    I have only ever ridden with the boys and they go pretty hard and fast and love to roost each other (lol) so I would love to head out with the girls for a ride to experience the other side.

    Anyone interested in coming out to the wattigans or clarence for a ride soon?

    That would be great so just let me know.






    hi Amber, welcome.

    keep an eye on the ride gatherings section, put your name down for a ride.

    or start your own thread with dates etc. and see how many put up their hand.

    oh and some will like to know what your steed is ;)



    Mick D

    Hi Amby. Thanks for the intro.Welcome to OBT.

    You might want to let us know a general area where you are from so that we can hook you up with some suitable ride partners from your area.
    What bike you ride would help too.



    Hi Amby and welcome to the site. Just a thought on the riding, depending on what you ride there is a two day ride with overnight stay on the 1st of may which has a easier option for the big dual sport bikes and katgirl is going to travel with them should you wish to join in

    Check it out here

    Anyway welcome again




    Welcome to the site Amby.

    You’ll get a heap of good info here, a huge laugh and some bike related stuff too. :laugh:

    As TB said, see if you can make the May ride to Sofala. It’s going to be a great weekend.

    Post up when you’re thinking of riding at Clarence and I’ll come along for a ride if I can.


    Hi Amby and welcome to OB

    Hope you can join one of the many rides that the Old Bulls organise from this site or if you.
    The people are great and we all have a good time.



    simon burke

    Gday Amby
    Welcome to Old Bulls :)
    Have a hoot
    Cya on the track

    Bol :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    What can I say that hasn`t already been said,,,,,,,,,????

    You Go Girl :woohoo:
    Great to see another member of the fairer sex joining up.
    I think MThickett from Wauchope is moving down this way soon too, so between her & Katgirl you shpuld be able to get some girltime on rides no worries.

    And don`t be scared to get out with some of the Old Bokes from here too, they need some thrashing from time to time to keep it real ;)



    Hi Amber,

    Yee Ha another girl on the OBT site.

    I would love to hook up…. I too have the same challenges that the boys forget to smell the roses when their out riding….

    Maybe we need to educate these boys that there is more to riding than speed!!!!!

    PM me anytime… I have a topo map for Watagans and it’s only 60mins away from where i live.



    Hey Katgirl,

    This site looks great! And everyone seems very chilled and friendly which is sweet.

    I’d love to meet up for a ride next weekend or the one after if your available. Cool about the topo map. I’ll post something up or do I contact you direct?

    My baby is a Yamaha XT 250 and I’ve seriously given it a thrashing and had a lot of fun on it and coming off it too! lol.

    Smelling the roses is what its all about oh and the speed and I need to master cornering so the more riding I can get in the better and I love the wattigans its beautiful.

    I’ve seen your name all over this site so you must be a pro.What do you ride? Can’t wait to go for a ride.

    Chat soon,



    Hey Amby,

    welcome to the site… lots of trash talk but a good bunch of bike riders.

    I’m 20mins north of Taree and generally get a ride in most Saturdays. If you ever have free time PM me and we can sort something out.

    i’m on a CRF250 and have another female friend who rides a DR250. Generally cruisy B) rides but alot of fun and always a helping hand or a detour to get out of the tight spots.

    hope to see you on a ride soon


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