87 XR600R chain slide

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    I have been googling and searching localy but I can’t seem to find a swing arm chain slide for an 87 XR any where. The 88 on look diferent in the photos. Any one know where to get one or what I can use in it’s place with out too many mods?


    Mick D

    Check at your dealer for availability. The part number you will need is 52170 KTI 770

    Check here as different models have different part numbers.

    87 XR600R



    try the local honda shop or ballard on line



    The you both. The local bike shop has got back to me with around the $90 mark for oem and he is still chasing an aftermarket slide for an 87. He siad the newer model’s aftermarket slide is around the $30 mark.



    apperantly no one makes an aftermarket slide for an 87 or older. I gues I will be drilling and tapping some new holes in my swing arm so I can use the newer aftermarkit slide which is only $32.


    Mick D

    yeah I forgot to mention that the OEM ones are made from the sacred rubber from the depths of the Amazon. I presume they were judging on the price I paid for my last one.



    did the page Mick linked up show what you were after? has the front and rear pictured.

    the dearest part #26 is US$38.


    Mick D

    Yeah, that is if you buy it from the States. Buy the part in OZ and be prepared to be shafted.



    That is because here in Aus they have to cover the costs of the lube that comes with the products they sell.


    Mick D

    syco26 wrote:

    That is because here in Aus they have to cover the costs of the lube that comes with the products they sell.

    Now that is a tongue in cheek reply if I ever saw one!! :laugh:



    mate Ive improvised by cutting up the missus’ bread board and laying the cut outs together (kinda like laminating them together), and making one up like that. (use the white plastic type of board, usually about 10mm thick)
    just a thought…



    hypoman wrote:

    mate Ive improvised by cutting up the missus’ bread board and laying the cut outs together (kinda like laminating them together), and making one up like that. (use the white plastic type of board, usually about 10mm thick)
    just a thought…

    sorry, that above suggestion was for a chain guide (the one sandwiched between 2 alloy plates that hangs off the swingarm)…
    as for the slide Ive used the same bread board material cut out and heated with a heat gun to conform to the curve at the swingam bolt end…



    As a person who has been doing up old Enduro-Trail bikes I have learnt it take’s time to find all the parts you need, unless your in a real hurry I would keep asking and looking around they will be out there, I will ask a bloke on my forum who is very good at finding hard to get parts.

    Cheers Mick.



    Well me mate came up with the same number as Micknmeld, but here are places he said to try, he seem’s to think it will not be to hard to find one, see how you go anyway, I will get on to another mate tomorrow who work’s for Honda and see what he has got to say.

    52170KT1770 When searching the net he said to put the numbers like this 52170-KT1-770 you will find more.

    try bike bandit.com too






    Bils in adelaide should be able to get one for you

    Cheers Mick.



    Thanks MickW for the links. The local bike shop can get them but bloody expensive. I will keep looking for an aftermarket slide but don’t think I’ll get one some how.
    Hey Hypoman that was actualy mentioned by the bike shoips owner here. He said he new a bunch of people who have done that. I have also contacted a plastics company here in Australia who make that polyethalene (or what ever it is called) that is a low friction plastic they use on boat trailer slides. I can get 4 pieces cut to size, 10mm x 40mm x 540mm for $22, I inquared about that size so I have a little to play with and chop out if needed. At the moment, because I’m a real cheap bastard and funds are tight, I have a piece of really heavy duty rubber hose on there. The hose is 1 1/2 inch with a wall thicknes of 6mm. I cut a strip out around 400mm long and about 40mm wide. Got a thick, wide industrial cable tie and but a hole in it and screwed that to the swing arm then ran the hose and cable tide it in place. I have been for a hand full of rides, not holding back either, and it is still holding stable at the moment. A slight discolouration where the chain touch it but hasn’t start to cut into it yet. When it does I thin it will let go very quickly. I know it is very dodgy but it will work till I get a new one.

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