This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 13 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #98185

    simon burke

    Hello Bulls
    I have just come back from the hospital after donating some Top Shelf High Grade Quality Bollocks Blood B) .To my surprise the lady up there got all exited and gave me a little Australian Red Cross badge as it was my 10th donation. She informed me that with 10 donations i have saved 30 lives :ohmy:

    If there are any Bulls out there who don’t already give blood highly recommend it :) They are always in need of the good red stuff and the benefits are amazing. About 30% goes to cancer sufferers,12% to trauma accidents and all the rest assists in saving people’s lives(can’t remember the other stats).The shelf life of red blood cells is only 6 weeks so they need it all the time. You only have to give once every 3 months. And you can help out a very sick child or even a busted up crusty old Trail rider :cheer:

    If you are considering but still have a few hesitations, here’s what to do.

    # ring Australian Red Cross on 13 14 95
    # or just walk into any Australian Red Cross collection centre and sign up
    # or go to

    Here’s what to expect

    You will be greeted by lovely ladies who will give you a free blood pressure check(beats going to the quack).They then usher you into the Med room all the while talking about how Mavis won first place with her sponge cake at this year’s Tamworth Show :huh: .You get to sit in a big comfy Smokey Dawson type recliner chair, have a perv at a few good looking nurses( if about) Then the assistant (nurse…whatever) before you can say “holyshitTBlookshotinthatracingjersey”, she whacks a needle in AND it does NOT hurt a bit, unless you are a complete pussy.6 minutes later, after finding out who is favorite for this year’s CWA president nominations ….it’s all over. On the way out, last year’s CWA president makes you a huge Chocky Milkshake and enough cheese and bickys to feed a small nation. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    Take 15 minutes of your life to save 3 people’s lives…..Go on…Dare ya mixd_001_Small.jpg
    Bol :woohoo:



    Nice work Bollocks I would have voted Old Bull of the year for you if this had come up before ;)
    As soon as I am over this :angry: cold I will give blood again watch this space



    simon burke

    Trailboss wrote:

    Nice work Bollocks I would have voted Old Bull of the year for you if this had come up before ;)
    As soon as I am over this :angry: cold I will give blood again watch this space


    Thats ok TB… can still vote for me in the “CLEO centrefold Male of the year” if you like :woohoo:



    I did already Bollocks like you told me 125478 times


    Hi Bollocks… well done.

    We are lucky here at Qantas. They turn up every three months in the big red bus. You have a standing appointment. You give them your arm and get some nice lollies in return.

    Only problem is when it goes horribly wrong and they hit the valve. It takes longer and you get a nasty bruise that you can’t blame on your boyfriend as it’s in the wrong position. :laugh: :laugh:

    But the experience hasn’t turned me off. I have a girlfriend who’s son in on blood transfusions each month. It takes 60 peoples donations to cover his monthly transfusion. That motivates through the unpleasant experience.

    I’m with Bollocks share your blood and know you are helping someone out there.



    I’ve given a couple of times and trying to develop a habbit out of it. They were coming around to our work but have stopped now for some reason.



    would love to give blood but evry time I try they keep saying something about blood alchol levels???
    cant figure that one out. :woohoo:




    Been donating for years now.

    As unpleasant as it may sound the rewarding feeling makes it worthwhile.

    Some of the pre donation questions may get some thinking about their answers though. :laugh:


    Mick D

    Funny you should mention this Bollocks, I heard an advertisement on the radio yesterday and got all keen to start an Old Bull concerted effort in supplying gallons of the stuff. What say guys? Lets get into it!!


    It’s one of those things I’ve been “gunna” do for years and never got around to. Like TB, once I am over this cold I will be in like Flynn and dragging the other half with me.

    Good thread Bol ;)



    good work Boll ;) I do the organizing for donations at work, I get about 20-30 donations going at a time :woohoo: and we are currently leading the club red blood challenge with the North Sydney coppers a close second :laugh: It is a good cause thats for sure!

    Boony your doing it all wrong, give your blood donation first then go on the piss :woohoo: get pissed heaps quicker :laugh:




    finally some useful information…thanks nipples :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Good onya Bollocks I would love to give some red stuff but it seems i hate a mad cow 20 years ago go figure ?



    , blood.jpg



    Boony wrote:

    finally some useful information…thanks nipples :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Also Boony, most meds that say don’t drink alcohol while taking them have the same effect as that 4th or 5th beer. Cheap good night out.

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